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Tag: dragons den

Australia’s toughest social enterprise incubator is looking for 40 new companies

TDi’s team and guest lecturers will cover business strategy, operations such as piloting and prototyping, marketing, finance, funding and structuring options, pitching to investors and measuring social and environmental outcomes.

A new incubator is teaching start-ups how to do good and make money at...

This autumn up to 40 start-ups from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane with a social/environmental mission will partake in social enterprise incubator Two Feet

From Dragons’ Den to a viral sensation: this guy is making a killing selling...

Entrepreneur Peter Byrne brought the popular invention Trolley Bags to Australia, it is now reaching more people through Facebook videos than McDonalds.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: Enter the Dragon

Oodles.com founder Steve Sherlock has been documenting his efforts to raise a multimillion dollar Series A funding round by the end of January 2010. In the fifth instalment of this series, Sherlock has just returned from a trip to London where he gathered advice from several people who’ve been around the investment block a few times.

Hilarious parodies of the UK Dragons’ Den

These three amusing sketches are courtesy of the BAFTA-award-winning comedy sketch program Harry and Paul, featuring Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse. While clearly lampooning the regular UK Dragons, who won't be familiar to most Australians, there's also much mirth to be found in their portrayal of the shows endless line of absurdly optimistic entrepreneur-pitchers.

Hilarious parodies of the UK Dragons' Den

These three amusing sketches are courtesy of the BAFTA-award-winning comedy sketch program Harry and Paul, featuring Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse. While clearly lampooning the regular UK Dragons, who won't be familiar to most Australians, there's also much mirth to be found in their portrayal of the shows endless line of absurdly optimistic entrepreneur-pitchers.
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Learn how to devise winning business ideas in four steps with...

It’s often said that everyone will have at least one big business idea in his or her lifetime. But how do you know if your next big idea is genuinely great or a genuine waste of time? This cheat sheet will help you formulate ideas, identify opportunities, evaluate their strengths and take your first big step forward. Learn how to get focus and clarity. Plus, score a bonus tip that will help you more than you might think!


How to secure lucrative sponsorships in five steps [CHEAT SHEET]

If you’re running an event or any major initiative, you’ve got overheads, marketing responsibilities and a small army of people counting on you. And, of...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...