Tag: conference
Female entrepreneurs, learn how to run the world with these five tips
Who runs the world? Girls.
While Beyonce might sing that with lots of sass, a group of power women would soon be congregating in Melbourne...
Tips that will make your own mastermind group super-effective [PODCAST]
PreneurCast is a marketing + business podcast. Author and marketer Pete Williams and digital media producer Dom Goucher discuss entrepreneurship, business, internet marketing and...
Why take notes when the twits will do all the work for you? (And...
I’m not sure if it was just that it was 8:45am (and that a steady line had already formed for the one coffee machine) or that these digital people preferred to converse in a digital world, but no one seemed to know anyone else (apart from the odd small clique). But hey, it could have been worse; as one bystander pointed out to me, “You should have been at the gaming conference, it was like sunlight was a new concept to them”.
Registration now open for 2011 Angels Conference
"Angels without Borders" will be the theme for the upcoming conference, which will feature an international guestlist of speakers and participants. Early-bird registration includes choice of accommodation and closes 26 November.
There’s never been a safer time to live on the planet
The world is living through an unprecedented phenomenon, the decline of War, according to Edward Luttwak, former advisor to the White House Chief of Staff, who will be one of 35 speakers Melbourne this September for the inaugural Creative Innovation 2010 conference.
There's never been a safer time to live on the planet
The world is living through an unprecedented phenomenon, the decline of War, according to Edward Luttwak, former advisor to the White House Chief of Staff, who will be one of 35 speakers Melbourne this September for the inaugural Creative Innovation 2010 conference.
CI 2010 10% discount for Anthill readers
Sponsored Message: The world’s most creative thinkers are coming to Melbourne! Creative Innovation 2010 is a place to imagine the future. It's a place to learn techniques and strategies and share ideas. Learn and think with Edward De Bono and over 35 world class speakers, leaders and innovators.
Sixteen innovative Australian digital projects to watch
Sponsored Message: Sixteen of Australia and New Zealand’s best digital projects will have the chance to be mentored by some of the biggest names in digital and entertainment media as part of X|Media|Lab ‘Global Media Ideas’ two-day lab, starting next Friday.
Get your free ‘Renegade Rockstar’ DVD (‘Productise or Die!’)
Sponsored Message: Are you an over-worked, underpaid business owner? Wouldn't you prefer to be an entrepreneurial Renegade Rockstar? Register for your free 'Productise or Die' DVD.
Get your free 'Renegade Rockstar' DVD ('Productise or Die!')
Sponsored Message: Are you an over-worked, underpaid business owner? Wouldn't you prefer to be an entrepreneurial Renegade Rockstar? Register for your free 'Productise or Die' DVD.
X|Media|Lab Global Media Ideas Pro Day Conference
Sponsored Promotion: If you are developing digital media ideas across platforms, attend the Pro Conference Day and explore: innovation in media and technology; international business opportunities; and new platforms, applications and content.
X|Media|Lab Global Media Ideas Pro Day Conference
Sponsored Promotion: If you are developing digital media ideas across platforms, attend the Pro Conference Day and explore: innovation in media and technology; international business opportunities; and new platforms, applications and content.
Tania de Jong talks about how her grandmother patented the foldable umbrella (then lost...
Two remarkable things happened at the launch of Creative Innovation 2010. Firstly, a senior representative from a leading Australian bank told an endearing story about her early successes outside the banking sector. (It's a rare thing to be won over by a representative from the Australian banking sector.) Secondly, conference organiser Tania de Jong, surprised the crowd with a story about her grandmother's inventiveness... before bursting into song.
Are you seeking venture capital? Do you have what it takes to raise private equity? Are you familiar with the value of angel finance? The CAPITAL RAISING CONFERENCE 2010 is for entrepreneurs, innovators and business builders wanting to learn and acquire skills and tools for raising capital.
How to WOW a US business conference crowd (advice needed)
Essentially, it all comes down to this: We are going to a trade show to demonstrate our product. What do we need to do to ensure it is a success?