Is your company using big data, and if so, are they using it effectively? This infographic from Colourfast takes you through everything you need to know about the stumbling blocks that come with big data analytics.
Over 40% of companies worldwide use big data analytics but the results can vary. The main benefit of big data analytics is thought to be the ability to make better strategic decisions, with 69% of companies identifying this as the primary benefit.
Unfortunately, many companies do not have the skills required to implement big data policies effectively. Inadequate analytical know-how has been identified as the main stumbling block with data privacy issues coming in a close second.
The truth is it takes a well-rounded skillset to use big data properly and many companies simply don’t have these skills within their company. Many companies will have to hire new staff to implement big data initiatives or spend a lot of money on training the current staff. Find out more in the infographic.