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About ‘Social Entrepreneurs’ and 30under30:
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. This year saw a surplus of highly qualified entrants, so we thought we would highlight some of the bright and innovative nominees who just missed the Top 30. More.
Among these ambitious talents, we’re delighted to honour five individuals who are using their business savvy to make the world a better place: our 2012 Social Entrepreneurs.
Monica Kade, NSW (b. 1986)
Name: Monica Kade
Age: 26 (Born: July 1986)
Gender: Female
State: NSW
Known for: Monica Kade
Monica Kade is a journeyer. After her career took her to New York and back, she chose to dedicate herself to the physical, mental and spiritual health of young women.
Through her online journeys and speaking tours, she helps girls to cast off the false and damaging attitudes about body image and self-worth that can lead to depression, suicidal thoughts and eating disorders (which she herself overcame).
Kade similarly inspires young business hopefuls through Career Confessions, a series featuring over 150 entrepreneurs, execs and celebs who have submitted to Kade’s candid questions.
“I think you’re born entrepreneurial,” says Kade, who notched her first 30under30 mention for Mink Magazine way back in 2008.
“I never set out to become an entrepreneur. I’m simply curious, determined and I’m following what my inner voice says it wants to do.” For now, that inner desire is teaching women how to love their bodies, and the sense of reward runs both ways.
The gratitude in this response from one follower is typical: “Thank you for having the courage and motivation to take a chance in your life [and] in your career because you have already changed mine.”
Anthill asks: Monica Kade, what’s your super power?
Magnetism — I simply lock, engage and go for it!
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.