Home ANTHILL TV Hawt guys touch themselves to remind women to check for breast cancer

Hawt guys touch themselves to remind women to check for breast cancer


Recent studies, we’re told, show many young women aren’t checking their breasts for signs of cancer. We’re also told that women are 88% more likely to watch a video if it features a smokin’ hawt guy.

Rethinkbreastcancer.com, a health-advocacy site and the source of these two observations, put them together to create an instructional video that features three highly carved males who have a hella time keeping their shirts on.

Watch as they demonstrate the TLC method to breast cancer detection:

  • Touch your breasts. Feel anything unusual?
  • Look for changes. Be aware of their shape or texture.
  • Check anything unusual with your doctor.

The organisation also ported this watch-a-guy idea onto apps for iPhones and Androids.

Maybe they can do something similar for prostate cancer… or not.

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