Hacking an Ikea design requires slightly more than an allen key and a few bits of dowel.
You need an inquiring mind, a drill, some pliers and a 3D printer.
But, here you have it. Two Ikea stools have taken on the new form of a starter bike for kids, one that you push along rather than pedal.
It’s the work of two artists and industrial designers Andreas Bhend and Samuel Bernier. They went to Montreal based 3D printers Le Fabshop to create the bike. They have also created a design for a sled. The instructions for both are available at Le Fabshop.
I look forward to someone turning a Billy bookcase into a wheelbarrow.
The IKEA hack by Samuel N. Bernier and Andreas Bhend
Draisienne, the IKEA hack by Samuel N. Bernier and Andreas Bhend from le FabShop on Vimeo.