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Read the most important books of the year in less than 30 seconds each


Earlier this week, I received a Twitter DM (not the spammy type) from “long time reader” and entrepreneur Geoff McDonald.

Always curious about the people who send me tweets, I checked out his website BookRapper.com… and quickly found myself addicted.

McDonald’s USP is simple:

Read the most important books of the year in less than 30 seconds.

“Book Rapper was born out of the idea of earning money from doing the things that I love. I love reading books so I asked myself, how can I get paid to read books? I knew I didn’t just want to do reviews because I think what a book is about is almost like the booby prize. I want to know what the big ideas are but more importantly I want to know how to apply them.”

While I still can’t work out how McDonald earns a buck from his passion (how he gets “paid to read books”) and how he gets around the IP minefield associated with his product (remember we’re talking about authors and their egos here), he is definitely good at what he does – summarising the best of the best, in colourful, clever and memorable presentations.

Check out the sample below (Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers and Geoff Colvin’s Talent is Overrated in one 30 second summary), while I go track down McDonald and get the full ‘story’.