Interesting posts from elsewhere we just had to share.
How we got China so wrong
WHEN Rio Tinto holds press events in China, its public relations firm sometimes hands out red envelopes of cash to Chinese journalists who are kind enough to turn up.
Green currency takes a tumble
The Australian
RIGHT now would be a bad time to try to arrange any financing for a large clean energy project: that much is made clear, not just by the political stalemate in Canberra, but also the plunging market for renewable energy certificates.
What Are You Afraid Of?
We queried entrepreneurs to find out what scares them the most. Survey says: everything from speaking in public to keeping up with technology to growing too fast.
The Google Revenue Equation, and Why Google’s Building Chrome OS
Almost everyone has framed Google Chrome OS as a direct competitor to Microsoft Windows. But I am about to argue that this is the wrong way to view Chrome OS.