I posed this question earlier this year when we offered to run a blog series on the ‘black art’ of business valuation.
Our readers responded with gushing enthusiasm. I responded with a trip to the hospital.
Unfortunately, a highly disruptive spinal injury thwarted our attempts to address this important topic.
Here’s what I initially proposed, way back in May…
“Over the next new few weeks, I plan to review five different aspects of valuing a private company. And, of course, I’ll be seeking your comments and observations along the way… Therefore, if you are interested in the value of your business, or if you are interested in the potential value of your business opportunity, read on. If you are an expert in this area, please join the conversation and help inform our readers.”
Of course, as history reveals, I never got around to publishing my second post.
Today is your chance to pick up where I left off.
As part of our Magazine 2.0 Experiment, I have two new propositions:
Firstly, I’m asking you (dear reader) to provide your ‘top tip’ on the topic of business valuation.
Simply leave a comment below, with your name and URL. The best will be published as part of a story on this topic in our Dec/Jan edition.
Secondly, if this is your area of expertise and if you have more to say than simply providing a tip, I’m inviting you to contribute an article topic (and, later, an article).
I’m interested in any aspect of business valuation that can be addressed in under 600 words (the average length of an Anthill article).
So… if you would like to provide a ‘tip’, simply leave your comment below. If you would like to suggest/contribute an article, please also leave us a comment below.
Here are some terms and topics to get you thinking…
Liquidity Event, Hurdle Rate, Pre-Money Value, Post-Money Value
Comparable Method of Valuation
Discounted Cashflow Method of Valuation
Profit Multiple Method of Valuation
Strategic Buyer Method of Valuation
If you have any further suggestions, please don’t be shy, as together we attempt to explore the ‘black art’ of business valuation.