Can you sing? No, I don’t mean that horrible nearly-demonic noise you make in the shower, can you really sing?
Well, if you can really sing, here’s some good news!
There is a local startup that has created an online market place, made just for independent and emerging artists like you; The Holding Pattern (THP). There, you can promote, license and sell your music as you wish.
What’s more, the increasing success of this startup business has caught the eye of renowned music distributor MGM. As you read this, the industry giant is collaborating with THP to showcase its entire independent catalogue on the online music store.
THP is now considered the independent and emerging artists’ viable alternative to world-wide music sharing platform Spotify.
It is carving its own path and in doing so allowing for the first time, never-heard-before artists of all genres to carve their own paths too, and expose their music to the listening public and commercial buyers. Club bands and solo artists can promote their music there to get gigs.
UK distributor Ditto Music is also set to release its independent catalogue on THP. As you can see by now, this Australian online platform is fully intent on uniting independent artists the world over.
“The virtual shelves of our little digital indie store are packed and expanding further everyday with some of the most amazing independent music on the planet,” founder and chief executive Nick Arnold said.
“You can also listen to, search and explore THP’s catalogue straight from your phone for free. Our focus is on providing exposure and promoting the independent music community. And we offer real digital sales and licensing revenue to artists. We provide a better deal for independent artists because we are small and independent,” said Arnold.
“And MGM’s input of their independent catalogue will see an increase of traffic to the site, making it the one-stop platform for independents to host, share and sell their music whilst retaining full control of their copyrights,” he explained.
Three years in the making, THP gives all independent artists, signed or unsigned the stage to have their music heard and made easily available to buyers around the country or even the world.
THP has even gone ahead to collaborate with online magazine the AU Review, where readers will be provided with unbiased and independent reviews of artists on THP from some of the best music writers around Australia.
“We are providing a unique national exposure for a wide range of artists, never being defined by location or genre,” Arnold concluded.
Well then, I’m off to dust off my guitar and hand in my resignation letter tomorrow, Billboard 100 here I come!