Every now and then, we get invited to a conference, an event or an announcement that we can’t possibly attend. (In fact, it happens all the time.)
So, for that reason, we have today created a new Anthill Group, for anyone who would like to attend events on our behalf.
What’s the trade off? You get a free ticket to something cool in return for your views in the form of a brief article (”The five things I learnt at EVENT X”). Naturally, we’ll edit and publish your contribution, raising your public profile.
So, if you would like to position yourself as a ’thought leader’, meet some interesting people and attend some exciting events, join this Group.
For example, on 29 January, we’ve been invited to hear Sir Tim Berners-Lee, father of the World Wide Web, deliver a keynote speech on how we can adapt for the new era of technology and innovation.
It’s part of a $40 million announcement by the CSIRO. Awe… some!
It’s in Sydney. Any takers? Here’s the link to the Group: https://anthillonline.com/groups/roving-reporters/