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From fearful to fearless: Here is how tech evolves work productivity

The industrial revolution led to many advances in terms of job organization and management, but now that we have entered the fourth industrial revolution, it is time to reassess the way we evaluate and aid work productivity.

Welcome to the future of work: tech trends every service business should be watching

Services firms are finding themselves needing to adapt - or risk being left behind. Reacting to the situation, services leaders are designing new operating models that allow them to better connect, orchestrate and optimise their businesses.

There’s much more to motivation than fist pumping rah-rah speeches

Dr Jason Fox is a motivation strategy and design expert. What does that mean? Well, it means he believes that if we design work differently,...
Sitting - it's killing you!

The best kind of meeting is one that doesn’t kill you [VIDEO]

Right now, what you are doing, is probably killing you. It's killing me as I write this article. All I am doing is sitting down. And, it's killing me.

Extra, extra: Wow, the Mayans got it wrong – get back to work!

Well, here we are. Having made it past 21 December, perhaps now would be a good time for us to look back and reflect on the year that was so we can relax over the holidays and think about plans for the coming New Year. I’d like to share with you some advice from a morning that I spent last year with the Wizard of Wow himself, Paul Dunn. I think you might find these insights to be worth pondering over your happy holidays.

All I want for Christmas is a tech free holiday

Recently released, the 2012 Stayz Holiday Habits Report reveals that Australians are struggling to escape work or resist heavy use of social media while on annual leave, often to the detriment of relationships with their travelling companions. Commissioned by Australia’s leading holiday rental website Stayz.com.au, the research was conducted by Nielsen and surveyed 8,900 Australians.

Skipping lunch? Your boss owes you a week long holiday!

A separate survey of 1000 Sydney workers by the Grill'd hamburger chain found employees were clocking up an extra week's worth of unpaid work each year by skipping lunch breaks. Almost a third cut short their lunch breaks for fear of getting into trouble with the boss.

Procrastination anyone?

I've been procrastinating today -- though, technically, trawling for interesting web videos is part of my job description. Nevertheless, what a stroke of luck to stumble on a video homage to procrastination while procrastinating.

Labour Day, Bangladesh style

As Victorians head off for the Labour Day long weekend, this video -- shot by a tourist in Khulna, Bangladesh in 2008 -- is a good reminder that the concept of hard work is relative. You might feel like you've moved heaven and earth with the sweat of your brow this week, but it's unlikely you'd call transporting 22 bricks on your head just another day at the office.

Is speed killing our communication skills?

Why do we think that fast is better and why do we so often mistake speed for efficiency in the workplace? John Freeman, author of 'Shrinking the World', thinks it's all a bit wrong-headed. Persephone Nicholas reports.

The power of time off – Stefan Sagmeister at TEDGlobal 09

Stefan Sagmeister is New York-based designer with a fresh take on work and inspiration. Every seven years he closes his Manhattan studio for 12 months so he and his team can recharge their creative batteries.

Alain de Botton on work and happiness

English author Alan de Botton is, as they say, good on his feet. In this interesting TED talk delivered recently in Oxford, England, de Botton muses on the impact work has on our identity and happiness.

7 ways to be happier at work

The combination of entrepreneur and brain scientist is rare in one human being. Jeffrey M. Stibel is one such person, and when he opines,...

Work and the “F” Word(s)

Last year I was enlightened by a friend about the 3 Fs of work - Fun, Fame or Fortune. This lady is a brilliant...

The value of sweat equity

Focusing all your energy on conjuring the perfect idea for a business is just plain lazy, argues Kevin Garber.

Get productive. Start working on your “not-to-do” list.

The human desire to work more effectively pre-dates the pyramids. Entire forests have been razed in the production of roadmaps to boosting personal organisation...

Working with fear

If you ever feel under the pump at work, spare a thought for these three professionals. How would you have dealt with the pressure to win gold placed on Cathy Freeman at the Sydney Olympics? Perhaps the intensity that greets a police sniper at a siege would be more to your taste? Could you have surmounted your own vertigo to launch the Sydney Harbour BridgeClimb business? When it's your job to deal with fear, you'd better learn fast.
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How to zig when everyone else is zagging, with Julio De...

Why is it that some business owners appear impervious to business obstacles and upsets? In some cases, it seems that it’s the obstacles that drive certain personality types to success. In this CHEAT SHEET, we share five ways of thinking to respond to INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC, BRAND, SOCIETAL and PERSONAL shifts.


Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...