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Tag: southwest airlines

When you know what you’re talking about, you will sound like this guy [VIDEO]

This is a video, taken by a sneaky passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight from San Fransisco to Chicago about a week ago. The passenger...

Southwest flies to a different beat

Frederick Herzberg introduced the business theory that workers are more productive and satisfied when they are not required to perform repetitive tasks. This flight attendant has worked out his own way to escape the drudgery of his working day and make Southwest Airlines' competitors look like boring old stiffs.
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Most business owners are constantly on the lookout for a better, easier and faster way to win more business and increase sales. With this FREE REPORT you will learn how to generate more leads in one month than most competitors would in one year. Over 10,000 business owners across 35 different industries have learnt and benefited from the same 3-step methodology you are about to learn within this FREE REPORT from Alex Pirouz.


Strategic Alliances with Simone Novello [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you heard the often touted claim that the average lifespan of a business is two years? Have you ever wondered why that is? Often, it’s because, in the rush and intensity of starting up, business owners get caught up in day-to-day op-erations and overlook fast growth opportunities, like strategic partnerships. In this FREE INFOGRAPHIC, Simone Novello helps to answer your three most common questions about how to harness the power of... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...