Tag: skills
Online Dating for Start-Ups? Sounds like Crowdsurfa to me
If you’re a fan of online dating, and you wish finding a great business partner was just as easy, you would love this new...
Why slicing a cucumber is like running a startup [VIDEO]
Once again, bear with me. I'm about to make a great analogy.
This is a video that involves some rather impressive knife skills.
Not that running...
What can these bouncing goats teach us about entrepreneurship? Lots! [VIDEO]
I think it's pretty safe to say that goats should rule the internet this year.
Cats, in all shapes, sizes and moods, have had their...
Having expert skills makes the hard look easy, almost too easy [VIDEO]
So, it's nearly Christmas. And, whether that matters to you or not, it's a time of year that creates some very unique forms of...
What can a bunch of dancing doctors teach every entrepreneur? One important lesson [VIDEO]
This is a video of a dancing group of doctors. Or, is there a better collective noun for doctors other than 'group'? The CEO...
Seth Godin explains why you need to listen to your lizard brain [VIDEO]
Customers are expecting more for less.
What may have begun as a retail revolution, has resulted in a discount war.
Essentially, for most businesses, it's a...
Be hungry. If at first you don’t succeed, keep going until you do [VIDEO]
Not everything works the first time you try it.
That applies to business as well as many other things in life. Like, say, coding or......
This dog can teach you everything you ever need to know about being an...
This is a clever and fearless dog. He has learned to do things that many dogs cannot do. See. Right there. Those are things Jumpy the dog can teach every entrepreneur.
I’m not a pilot, so stop asking me to the fly the plane! Why...
A trend appears to be emerging in the world of digital marketing. There is an increasingly common expectation that marketers should be able to code. Yet, coders are not expected to be able to market or do sales. Why are companies trying to turn marketers into generalists?
What startups can teach project managers (Execute or die!)
Unless you're involved in a startup, it's unlikely that you work in a highly adaptable organisation where change is normal and built into everything you do. In fast growth companies, founders, investors and staff plan on change. It is one of their greatest strengths and allows disruptive companies to topple larger competitors. But the sad fact is that, for the majority of us, this is not our reality.
Cashflow 101: the King and I
Cash is king... and no one except Elvis is likely to disagree. So why don't we ever have enough and how can we fix cashflow problems without selling off part of our company?