Tag: Science
Aussie workers fear future job prospects as employers face digital skills shortages
According to the latest research commissioned by HR and recruitment specialists, Randstad, more than half of Australian workers don’t think they have the digital skills to guarantee future employability.
This former Google employee is opening a futuristic first-of-its-kind learning centre for HSC students...
A new Google-inspired HSC learning centre will open its doors today with a mission to train the brightest young minds in Sydney for stellar careers in science, medicine, mathematics and English courtesy of Richard Chua's Talent 100.
How an 11 year old inventor found a better way [VIDEO]
It's almost Summer in Australia. And, that means one of two things: either fires or floods. Or, maybe both.
Four years ago, my parents lost...
What do Harry Potter and microwaves have in common? [VIDEO]
Ten points if you guessed metamaterials.
What are metamaterials? Well, in this video you'll learn not only that but, also discover how we're edging ever...
A Purple Cow helps an Orange Robot get to the market (this isn’t a...
Of Purple Cows and Orange Robots
Brenton O’Brien, CEO of robotics manufacturer Microbric, has been developing robots for use by teachers and hobbyists (with moderate...
You won’t believe the things crowdsourcing has been used for
Whether providing feedback, tackling a big problem, or just providing useful data, crowdsourcing is evolving into a sophisticated, problem-solving tool.
In fact, more and more...
Are you having a productive day? No? Then this video will show where you’re...
Almost everyone wants to be more productive. There are only so many hours in the day and, everyone wants to use those hours wisely.
We keep throwing the word ‘innovation’ around but do we really understand what it...
We live in an era of globalisation, sudden business market turmoil, continuous technology evolutions and rapid scientific advances. Things are always changing rapidly and...
NeverWet may mean never having to do laundry again. Huzzah! [VIDEO]
Talk about a revolution in a spray can!
NeverWet is a new product that has just been launched in the U.S.
This spray on chemical does...
Do you see the same red as me? And, what has this got to...
I have to admit this is a question I have thought about, a lot.
That may say something about my brain but it's questions...
Owning an invisible cloak just moved one step closer to reality. Next stop, golden...
Harry Potter had one. But, it can be argued that Wonder Woman invented the concept.
And now, well, it seems we might be able to...
Scientist? Entrepreneur? This teenager is doing amazing things to change the world [VIDEO]
"The more you know, the more you wonder." - Brittany Wenger
Doesn't that sound like the driving spirit behind every entrepreneur, ever?
Most 17 year olds...
A ‘magical’ floating BBQ that probably isn’t coming to your backyard this Summer [VIDEO]
He may have died 146 years ago but, British scientist Michael Faraday has inadvertently invented the floating BBQ. What's that? You didn't know you wanted a floating BBQ?
Australian government offers business owners yet another stepping stone
The Business Finances topic provides information on a range of common finance issues. From setting up a bookkeeping system to understanding complex financial terminology, preparing financial reports and applying for finance, the topic helps business owners take a leading role in managing their finances.
Faster than a speeding bullet: The Femto camera set to transform photography [VIDEO]
In 1964 Professor Harold Edgerton took this now-famous photo of a bullet piercing an apple. He was a pioneer in stop-action photography. This photo was taken in one millionth of a second. Now, photos can be taken in one trillionth of a second. And it may revolutionise everything.
The science of Spiderman: theoretically, he’s possible [VIDEO]
He's less brooding than Batman, and slightly more ruffled than Superman. Spiderman is one of the classic Stan Lee superhero creations. However, are superheroes possible? I'm not talking about the real life superheroes that are emerging across the world. Batman and Ironman, definitely possible. We just need some billionaires with a penchant for justice. One all broody, one a genius, playboy - and we've got them sorted. But, what about Spiderman?
The solution to global warning: Grow more plankton?
In a research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, a team of Australian, New Zealand and Belgian scientists explain how plankton could offer a solution to global warming.
Teacher lauded for bringing science back to preparatory classrooms
A zoologist-turned-primary teacher who worked to bring real science experiments back into the classroom has received one of the Prime Minister's Prizes for Science. Dr. Matthew McCloskey is the director of studies at Sydney Grammar's Edgecliff Preparatory School. Through his efforts, students in kindergarten through Year Six are taught hands-on science at least once a week.
One billion investment in Queensland innovation
In an effort to inject new life into Queensland's economy, the Queensland State Government has partnered with Zernike Group to create the Brisbane Technology Park, part of the state government's Smart State Strategy.
Peepoo: Solving the developing world’s messy toilet problem
According to a report in the New York Times, Swedish entrepreneur Anders Wilhelmson has developed and tested a biodegradable plastic bag that acts as a single-use toilet for urban slums in the developing world. The Peepoo can be buried after use, where a layer of urea crystals kills off pathogens that produce disease and converts the waste into fertilizer.