Talk about a revolution in a spray can!
NeverWet is a new product that has just been launched in the U.S.
This spray on chemical does exactly what its name suggests — nothing covered in it, ever gets wet.
Not clothes, not shoes, not toilet brushes, not cardboard boxes or, in fact, iPhones. No more warranty voids from moisture contact!
It takes a brave scientist to drop an iPhone into a bucket of water to prove a point. Granted, they use an iPhone 4 for the demo, so it’s not big bucks at risk.
While all that sounds like an infomercial, and the name sounds like one of those ‘made for tv’ brands, this is the real deal.
There are no indications of when this may be available in Australia. But, here’s hoping it’s soon.
I can see so many uses — children’s shoes and clothes to repel paint, shower screens that never need cleaning, car windscreens that don’t need frost scraped from them and, yes, the ever clean toilet brush.