Tag: open innovation
A tribute to Lego (and some awesome stop motion)
We love Lego. And we have no doubt that you do too. This Friday, we've assembled three of our favourite Lego-related videos, from the educational (MIT’s Eric von Hippel: Open Innovation) to the inspiringly creative (My Desk is 8-Bit by Alex Varanese) to the mind-blowingly, bodaciously awesome (Pixels by Patrick Jean). Happy Friday Anthillians!
The best innovation requires you to loosen your grip
Have you ever worked in a company where the boss or your manager hoards information? Unfortunately, this is not all that uncommon. The old saying goes that "Knowledge is Power", and those who are insecure in their abilities or feel threatened by those around them try to remain in control by hording information.
How to capture good ideas every time
With so much information flying around these days, it’s easy for good ideas to slip through the net. Roger La Salle highlights the importance of trawling deep and wide.
Beware of geeks bearing gifts
Everyone knows the story of the Greeks infiltrating the enemy Trojan compound by hiding inside a giant horse. But not many people know that something similar is going on right now inside the commercialisation of public research in Australia.
The importance of being collaborative
If you regard your venture as being ‘you against the world’, chances are this will become reality. Rowan Gilmore explains why collaboration is good for business.