Tag: Media
Building an online community
Are you looking for instant customer feedback and ideas to improve your product or service? What about a free focus group with a targeted...
Spellbound 2.0
So you're pretty sure your website or blog is free of spelling errors. Wait, don't tell me... you got an A in spelling from your grade seven English teacher, right? Australian digital marketing company Melon Media is betting that even the most polished websites contain at least a few spelling groaners.
Videos from D6 Conference
Sick of sitting through tedious events (oh, I don't know, say, ones where the speakers repeatedly define "innovation") and then wishing there was some...
Website of the Week: Lost At E Minor
Something a bit different this week.
At Anthill, we're keen advocates of great design as a gateway to untapped creativity. We place immense emphasis on...
So you’re worried that your new product name might prove to be commercial Kryptonite? Or perhaps you just want to share your genius for...
For developers of new products and services, accurate feedback is worth its weight in gold. That’s why corporations spend billions of dollars on market...
Everyone loves a good bargain. But for all the immediacy in today’s world, it seems harder than ever to find one amid the never-to-be-repeated...
All the traffic you can eat… is not a healthy diet
Back in the nineties, my colleagues and I used to compare the size of our log files. The bigger the web server traffic log...
The pipe and the straw
High definition set top boxes, mobile TV, digital radio – all contenders for the future of media, right? Well, not exactly. It can be...
Covet thy neighbour’s domain
Greed and envy may be two of the seven deadly sins, but online, sinners are grinners. Robelen Bajar joins the digital gold rush.
I’m a...
Startup School 08
On 19 April, over 650 tech entrepreneurs and students attended the fourth annual free Startup School, held at Stanford University in California. The event,...
The Bulletin get bought
The inevitable has occurred.
Some smart publisher has bought The Bulletin. Sadly, it wasn't me.
Sydney Funds Manager Peter Hall is the new owner. He also...
How Anthill revived The Bulletin (kinda)
If you haven’t guessed already, we love to write about cheeky and provocative companies. But we rarely get the opportunity to talk about our...
A guide to business development 2.0
Over the past five years, Anthill has made a point of writing about new and effective ways of conducting business. The underlying message has...
Anthill’s unscientific guide to magazine advertising
We like to think that we know a thing or two about business magazines. (We read a lot!)
I recently entered a heated debate...
Anthill's unscientific guide to magazine advertising
We like to think that we know a thing or two about business magazines. (We read a lot!)
I recently entered a heated debate...
15 unfortunately placed ads
We’re fans of the site Ads of the world, which tracks the most innovative and witty advertising across all mediums. If you are at...
Unusual business card designs
If you’ve ever seen the movie American Psycho (based on Brett Easton Ellis’s extremely dark novel), you will surely remember the “business card” scene...