Over the past five years, Anthill has made a point of writing about new and effective ways of conducting business. The underlying message has always been: the rules of business have changed – businesses must adapt or perish.
In our hyper-connected world, success usually boils down to the degrees of connection to your goals. We recently stumbled on an article by Alex Iskold titled A Guide to Business Development 2.0, posted on the excellent blog ReadWriteWeb. Cultivating gravitas for any old term by tacking on “2.0” is all the rage these days, but business development is an example of something that has experienced a seismic shift in recent years. Iskold begins with the premise that “cold calling is dead” and goes on to discuss the best new-economy ways to kick down doors and make sales without building a platoon of cold-calling salespeople sitting on fat rolodexes and fatter salaries.
If you occasionally wonder whether your business retains vestiges of old, ineffective business development methods (or if you know you still have a long way to go), this post is a must read.
Visit A Guide to Business Development 2.0 – www.readwriteweb.com