Tag: longreach
An app that sorts your photos by memories won QUT CEA’s Creative Tech StartUp...
Winning this Startup Weekend will allow us to bring ArtLife to life. ArtLife will revolutionize the way we look after our digital memories from paintings to photos to family moments.
A regional tech start-up revolutionising agriculture has won this national competition
AGDATA is a true hero for regional Australia. By developing and distributing digital solutions specifically for regional areas, they’ve narrowed the divide between a traditional industry and technology.
Australian’s buoyancy bazooka wins international Dyson design contest
Longreach -- a portable water-rescue device that can fire an expandable buoyancy device up to 150 metres -- has won the international 2010 James Dyson Awards, an annual competition aimed at coaxing crazy-like-a-fox ideas from the next generation of design engineers.