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Victorian Government allocates $600k for accelerator to boost Melbourne start-ups

Startupbootcamp received $600,000 for the first year (2016), with the potential of following up funding in the subsequent years. The funds will enable the opening of a hardware lab in Kydo, Melbourne’s IoT and Data Tech Startup Space and will provide the core funding for the launch of the accelerator program in 2017.

Is Australia undermined by ‘industrial-age’ innovation? Just ask Microsoft

Days ago, StartupAUS’s Crossroads report detailed chinks in Australia’s start-up ecosystem, calling for a major overhaul if the nation is to catch up with global leaders. Now Microsoft is calling for a transition to an information-age innovation ecosystem.

How to turn your laptop into your own personal factory.

Once upon a time, a typical business needed typists, merchants, design houses, accountants (and their ledgers) to get even the basics done. Now, we're...

Nine of the world’s top 10 brands are crowdsourcing. So umm… what are you...

At Interbrand, there are 3 factors considered in assessing brand value. The first is the brand’s financial performance. The second is its influence on...

CSIRO’s Centre for Broadband Innovation heralds appy, appy smart home!

The wired home is no longer the realm of dreams. But neither is it totally real. It has simply taken too long to come, and has still come to too few homes, seemingly beyond the reach of most. All that may be about to quickly change, according to CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Broadband Innovation. In fact, the future looks ‘appy’ for Aussie broadband-connected homes, according to the nation’s premier research group.

Everything you’ve always wanted to know about wireless. Ever.

We won’t hold it against you if you find wireless networking a bit of a head-scratcher. All this talk of WiFi, WiMAX, Bluetooth, 3G, 802.11, 802.16… What the huh? We're glad you asked.

Save ker-ching with calls over the internet

When your family and friends are scattered across the globe, your phone bill can quickly become the stuff of nightmares.

Bluetooth for your PC [not just for shouty, look-at-me types with ear pieces]

Poor old Bluetooth. For a while now it’s been misappropriated by loud, shouty types stomping up the high street fog-horning ‘Buy! Buy! SELL!’ into their ear pieces. We here at Anthill -- with a liberal dollop of help from the delightful folk at Intel -- would like to reclaim Bluetooth as much more than just a conduit for idiots.

Protecting your small business’ IT investments

Small business owners have enough on their plates without adding IT woes to the mix – that’s why Intel recommends you have a back-up disaster plan in place so that you can minimise downtime should your technology take a tumble.

Go phish: keep your identity safe from thiefs

Phishing, for those who’ve not had the pleasure, refers to fraudulent electronic attempts to acquire personal information such as bank and credit card information, usernames and passwords, and any other details that can be used in identity theft. Phishing emails can be tricky to spot. Often they look exactly like legit messages from banks or creditors. Here’s the really sneaky part: they contain dangerous links that take you to fraudulent spoof sites.

Keep your online privacy locked down

The only foolproof way to keep your info from being permanently available to the other WWW – the whole wide world – is to make sure it doesn’t get uploaded in the first place. Remember: those Schoolies snaps of you with sick in your hair might nibble you on the buttocks when you run for parliament further down the line.

How to keep your email free of spam

As tempting as it is to confirm whether there’s $5 squillion sitting in the bank account of some nice old reverend from foreign climes who’s devoted his life to poor children and very cute puppies, we both know this one pongs to high heaven of over-ripe spam. But the good news is there are a number of precautions you can take to avoid scams, protect your personal information, and keep your email address safe.

Protecting your computer from nasty viruses [and cute dancing teddy bears…]

As anyone who’s had the flu knows, viruses are no walk in the park. Then spare a thought for your poor old computer, which may be at risk of picking up bugs from other infected systems and passing them on – if you haven’t protected it.

Nix pesky cyber spies [leaving your computer unshaken and unstirred…]

For the regular Joes and Josephinas amongst us, encounters with 007-style super-spies or shifty-eyed, trench-coated baddies aren't part of our day-to-day lives. But if you’re the proud owner of a computer, you do need to be vigilant for cyber spyware.

Laptop battery-saving tips to keep you unleashed longer

Ah, beloved laptop. When it’s good, it’s great. But when you run into challenges – like a drained battery while you’re on the go – you realise who really holds all the power in the relationship. (See what we did there? Power. Clever, eh?)

Do you need a dedicated server? Test your business against Intel’s 8-point checklist.

Every business wants to get more done in less time, right? Even the smallest of businesses can benefit from a dedicated server. It offers greater security and tees up your tech so you’re ready and raring for that big ol' growth spurt that’s just around the corner. And, as luck would have it, a server based on an Intel Xeon processor provides an intelligent solution to today’s business IT challenges… What are the chances, eh?

Three foolproof steps to buying the Best. Computer. Ever

Would you buy a car without researching it first? Nopes, us neither. How about a house? Ditto.

Ever IM’ed a friend who was sitting in the same room? Survey reveals what...

A clear majority of Australians today value their laptops more than their TVs, according to a survey commissioned by Intel. With all the talk of the internet becoming a fourth utility in households, that finding may not surprise. But just how internet dependent are we? According to the same survey, a lot of us are now OK chatting online or Facebooking with someone within earshot.

Sequencing Investments: A Lego block approach to funding

It makes sense to build a company’s investment plan that has the interlocking qualities of Lego pieces, tightly fit, all supporting and connected to each other. To do that takes a carefully constructed financing plan with these specific elements:

Giving innovators the ‘rock star’ treatment they deserve

This week, we featured Intel's "Sponsors of Tomorrow" campaign as our profile website. But the advertising campaign that corresponds with Intel's new slogan is...
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How to zig when everyone else is zagging, with Julio De...

Why is it that some business owners appear impervious to business obstacles and upsets? In some cases, it seems that it’s the obstacles that drive certain personality types to success. In this CHEAT SHEET, we share five ways of thinking to respond to INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC, BRAND, SOCIETAL and PERSONAL shifts.



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...