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Tag: failure

A lesson from the 2016 Rio Olympics: The mindset of winners is failure and...

What entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs need to remember is that while the risk is high, so too can be the rewards. Like an athlete, it is important to aim high, get into a winning mindset and treat failure as a learning experience.

The fear of failing at entrepreneurship shouldn’t stop you from having a go at...

Aussie entrepreneurs face many of the same huddles as their counterparts worldwide, with one unique addition: our deep-seated, psychological fear of failure

Five essential words of advice from billionaire Shutterstock founder, Jon Oringer [VIDEO]

Accept that you will fail. These are the words that stuck with Jon Oringer throughout his pathway to becoming a successful entrepreneur. In this short video,...

If you haven’t failed, you haven’t lived [VIDEO]

Are you having a tough week? Things not going quite to plan? Relax. And, remember that if you haven't failed, you haven't tried. This short little video...

Four things entrepreneurs are really sick of hearing

Entrepreneurship is hard. We all know it and absolutely respect that fact. Entrepreneurs completely devote themselves to their start-up and face different challenges along...

What can this 9 year old skater girl teach every entrepreneur about failure? [VIDEO]

Meet nine year old Sabre Norris from New South Wales. She can't ride a bike but she skateboard. She really wanted to do a 540...

Does ‘no’ mean ‘not yet’? Only an entrepreneur would think like that! [VIDEO]

This is a frank, first person video from Karen Cheng. She shares her fear of failure and the struggles she encounters with her first...

Terrifying. Addictive. Awesome. What’s it really like being an entrepreneur? [VIDEO]

This video from Google will warm the cockles of every entrepreneur's heart. Incidentally, no one really knows what a 'cockle' is or, why they need...
Here's your sign!

Should you quit? It might just be the most powerful thing you ever do...

Here's an interesting thing to think about. The closer you get to achieving your goal, the harder it is to succeed. Why? Often, it's because...

Be curious and fail until you succeed. It’s the Seth Godin mantra [VIDEO]

In this interview with Bryan Elliot, Seth Godin talks about work, opportunities and failures. While Godin may be an icon in the world of leadership,...

Why do so many startups fail? Here are the top six reasons

Starting your own business, no matter what it focuses on, is something that can be exciting as well as stressful. While the prospect of...

How to deal with failure [PODCAST]

PreneurCast is a marketing + business podcast. Author and marketer Pete Williams and digital media producer Dom Goucher discuss entrepreneurship, business, internet marketing and...

How does the Australian startup scene compare to Silicon Valley? Report reveals how we...

While that may sound a little disheartening, bear this in mind. If you're in Silicon Valley you've got an 8% chance, or a 6.7% chance if you're in Silicon Alley (New York). But how is the Australian startup ecosystem compared to the rest of the world, and, of course, Silicon Valley?

The first rule of business: embrace failure

The world of business, in my opinion, is complex yet basic, exciting yet exhausting. Often it presents problems and challenges that make us question our self belief and capabilities.

TEENtrepreneurs need to build business ideas that ignite their imagination

Although much can be learnt from failed companies, most teenage entrepreneurs are just starting out, and it can be demoralising to have your very first company fizzle. That is why it is very important that you try to start a business that intrigues you or is in a rapidly changing industry. Here, 18-year-old Aonghus Stevens offers some advice to fellow under-20 business builders and aspiring teenpreneurs.

Australian Innovation Festival 2010 gears up for national and state launches

The 2010 Australian Innovation Festival celebrates its ninth anniversary by again focusing on the 4Cs of Innovation -- Creativity, Connections, Collaboration and Commercialisation. This year’s Festival theme “Building Sustainable Businesses” highlights the importance of innovation during this period of regeneration from last year’s global economic uncertainty.

To give up or go on: Is it time to call it quits?

Eight years ago I found myself on the floor in tears. My father had just passed away, my business was failing and my love life sucked. I was at a cross roads in my life and didn’t know which way to turn. As it turned out, there was only one real option.

“Keep your crises small.” Pixar’s Ed Catmull on why successful companies fail (and how...

Why do successful companies fail? Pixar's Ed Catmull addresses this key question through the prism of Pixar's growth from a small, unheard of digital animation company to the powerhouse Disney partner it is today.

"Keep your crises small." Pixar's Ed Catmull on why successful companies fail (and how...

Why do successful companies fail? Pixar's Ed Catmull addresses this key question through the prism of Pixar's growth from a small, unheard of digital animation company to the powerhouse Disney partner it is today.

Successful angel talks about investing in Twitter.

In this clip from the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, angel investors Ron Conway and Mike Naples answer the question, "Would you invest in someone...
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Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...