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Tag: decision making

Does your business have an organisational culture? It’s important to your customers

Organisational culture is an intangible entity. As such, it is important to identify observable behaviours that indicate your organisation’s culture, as well as its alignment to your customer strategy and objectives.

Of blind choices: Are you really in control of your own decisions? [VIDEO]

Back in 2009, behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, gave a brilliant TED talk. Using classic visual illusions and his own...

Do you make your team feel safe? Are you a good leader? [VIDEO]

Recently, I attended an event where a retired General from the Australian Defence Force spoke. After his stories of leadership under pressure in a strife-torn...

Why does Zuckerberg wear the same thing every day? [VIDEO]

Or Steve Jobs for that matter? Zuckerberg wears a grey t-shirt, sometimes a hoodie. Jobs is known for his black turtleneck shirts. Why do they do...

Learn how to make tough decisions and stay determined from an ultra marathon running...

Dianne McGrath sails tall ships in the southern ocean, cycles extreme distances, jumps from planes and runs not just your run-of-the-mill marathons but ultra-marathons...

How to rediscover fast business methods: Meet Tim Reed, CEO at MYOB [VIDEO]

I recently interviewed Tim Reed, CEO at MYOB. As we talk about in this interview, MYOB has been through quite a journey over the...

Another three things Game of Thrones taught businesses this week

Last week's episode gave us three stellar business lessons. This week, Season 4, Episode 9, of Game of Thrones, The Watchers on the Wall, was...

When was the moment when you realised you could not work for anyone else?...

It's a common moment in the life of every entrepreneur. After holding down a job or, various jobs, you have a moment of realisation that...

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. How many...

Let’s face the fact, most business owners are pretty bad with numbers in their business. Talk to any accountant and they’ll tell you upfront: people just don’t keep track of their numbers and don’t have an idea for the most important numbers in their business.

Little known ways to help your customer make a decision

Creating a website for your business is a great way to establish an online presence. However, don’t just expect that launching a business website...

So, you reckon you’re a good decision maker. What makes you think that? [VIDEO]

Every day we get up, clamber out of bed, and make decisions. We decide whether we'll wear Calvin Kleins or Bonds undies. We choose a Batman t-shirt over a Green Lantern or Wonder Woman one. But really, are we really making a cognitive choice?

How to see opportunities that your competitors think are stupid. Do you suffer from...

If you have ever asked yourself, ‘Why didn’t I see that?', you were experiencing an example of ‘Weak Signal Theory’. We are constantly bombarded with ‘weak signals’. Some of them are genuinely weak, while others are weak because our brain has suppressed them. This automatic filtering of information is quite natural and designed to prevent sensory overload. But it also means that we often overlook opportunities.

Research: You make better decisions using intuition (or sleeping)

The latest research published within the field of cognitive psychology has shown that criteria-based decision-making could actually lead to poorer decisions. In fact, you’re better off sleeping on it.
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Strategic Alliances with Simone Novello [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you heard the often touted claim that the average lifespan of a business is two years? Have you ever wondered why that is? Often, it’s because, in the rush and intensity of starting up, business owners get caught up in day-to-day op-erations and overlook fast growth opportunities, like strategic partnerships. In this FREE INFOGRAPHIC, Simone Novello helps to answer your three most common questions about how to harness the power of... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...