I recently interviewed Tim Reed, CEO at MYOB. As we talk about in this interview, MYOB has been through quite a journey over the past five years.
Some of the topics that Tim and I cover in this interview:
• How MYOB flipped the organisational structure to move decision making as close to the customer as possible
• Moving the organisation from 3 to 800 decision makers
• Faking it until you make it in a large organisation
• How MYOB increased the pace of the organisation
• The CEO as a bridge between the outside and the inside of the organisation
• How data driven hypothesis testing saves the company millions of dollars and years of development
• How MYOB are making it ok to talk about mental health and domestic violence
An interview with Time Reed, CEO of MYOB
Steve Pell is CEO of Intrascope. Intrascope helps mid-sized knowledge work organisations grow faster, scale up and succeed. We use our deep expertise in technology, finance and people analytics to solve pressing growth challenges and build the processes required for your organisation to take the next step.
Steve publishes a free weekly newsletter covering the best new ideas in management for knowledge work at www.managementdisrupted.com
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