Tag: ATO
Are e-wallets a threat to society? The threats presented by the rise of mobile...
And our love affair with apps and all things mobile show no signs of abating. With a few taps we could own the latest high-end fashion accessory or purchase a car. We walk around with virtual banks in our palms, making seamlessly transactions across borders.
How a rideshare experience led two accountants to start a new fintech startup
Founded by qualified accountants, Selda Kaplan and Michael Kambouridis, Rideshare Tax has now officially launched to the Australian rideshare community and it already has the support of rideshare giant, Uber.
90% of organisations say employee legislation and awards are confusing or contradictory, and need...
New research from Australia’s leading network in payroll training, consultancy and advisory has found that more than 9 in 10 organisations find government legislation or employee awards difficult to interpret, with most agreeing that many of these clauses need to be revised or made simpler.
The taxman is coming for your deductions! Here’s how you can avoid the crackdown
ATO Assistant Commissioner Karen Foat says that a systematic review of claims has found, and disallowed, some very unusual expenses.
Have you bought some crypto? Here’s what you need to know about the tax...
According to Ajeet Khurana, global CEO for Zebpay, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, “A lot of people want to know...
Australian HR software provider ELMO is the first to market with ATO integration
First-to-market in the HR sector, the ELMO ATO integration further automates the onboarding process, increasing the responsiveness and cost-effectiveness of the HR team, as well as improving the employee experience.
Drive for Uber or list on Airbnb? Here’s 5 things you need to know...
But there are a few essential things rideshare drivers, space-sharers and other ‘sharing economy’ workers need to know come tax time. Those earning income from the sharing economy should prepare for close scrutiny from the ATO.
Make the most of it! Here’s how start-up owners can maximise their tax returns
Tax savings are a big business. According to the ATO, businesses deducted $2.5 billion in expenses in the 2013-14 financial year. At the top of the list was cost of sales, and at the bottom were motor vehicle expenses, demonstrating the activities that were more or less likely to be considered as a deductible expense.
SMEs owe the ATO the most, are small business owners using the tax office...
Australian small businesses may be treating the tax office like a bank - but it's a stop-gap measure, warns national SME funder, Scottish Pacific.
The good, the bad and the ugly: Here is how the new changes in...
By now everyone in the Australian start-up space should be aware that the government has made significant changes to the way in which equity or options issued to employees will be taxed.
Australian SMEs are bleeding $13.7 billion a year as they pay GST
Complying with Australia’s GST rules is costing small businesses big time - more than $13.7 billion a year, according to new research recently released...
Now is the perfect time to start making June 30th, 2015 easier for your...
Quality talent is attracted to SMEs by far more than an attractive salary; we human beings like to be more than numbers to a...
Tax deductions for small business. How to get new equipment and let the government...
Have you been meaning to replace that lump of junk you call a laptop? Need a more comfy office chair? How about a new...
New personal liability laws puts company directors directly in the spotlight
Directors of struggling companies will have to act earlier on unpaid super and PAYG if they are to avoid tough new personal liability penalties, warns an insolvency expert. Don’t say we did not warn you.
Talking Business podcast. Commonwealth Bank: free money for all!
In the latest edition of Talking Business, Leon and Garry have a natter about Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s push to turn the prospective carbon price into an election issue. According to the chaps: “The horse trading’s begun already.”
Can you sue your accountant for failure to claim R&D tax breaks? The answer...
Who should we blame when we find out that we’ve missed the boat on hundreds of thousands of dollars in guaranteed government R&D funding? Ourselves? The Government? Or our Accountant? In other words, who has the responsibility and duty of care to ensure we make our R&D tax claim at tax time?