Tag: Android
11-year-old develops Trojan to steal game login information. Someone is so grounded!
In today’s world which is flooded with laptops, tablets and smartphones, kids become digitally fluent far earlier than previous generations. Now, AVG has found evidence that pre-teens are writing malware designed to steal login details from online gamers, both young and old.
Get a smart phone today at $149 only… No! Come back! I’m not trying...
"Up until now, full feature smart phones have only been for the rich. We want to make technology more affordable for everyone. Before today, a decent smart phone would set you back over $500. For most people, that's more than a week's salary.” Kogan is playing in the mobile market and, we all know what that means! Disruption is afoot!
Vodafone, Visa take a stab at the future of payments processing
Staring soon, Vodafone will hand out the highly coveted Samsung Galaxy SIII phones to 101 people to test the future of payments. Its vision of that future consists of contact-less checkouts, using an intelligent app loaded and a prepaid card worth up to $1,000 into the smartphone, and Visa’s payWave reader, backed by advanced processing technologies.
Want to learn Mandarin? A Melbourne startup shows off its ‘Mad’ language learning approach...
As a native English speaker, Matthew Ho was once frustrated by his attempts to learn Mandarin. This week, he's in Beijing showing off just how fun and addictive the language can be. Ho and his startup, Native Tongue, have been promoting Mandarin Madness, an educational gaming application, at TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing.
Hot game on Kickstarter combines zombies with running. A genuine killer app.
Hey, you runners out there (or would-be or should-be runners) -- if you're looking for motivation, perhaps what you need is a big helping of zombie apocalypse. Saving your hide while piling up the distance is one facet of Zombies, Run! -- a smartphone game app that has attracted a horde of attention on Kickstarter.
The sneaky SMS: 12 per cent of all mobile phone costs are created by...
Australian businesses are haemorrhaging moola thanks to the seemingly innocent SMS, according to The Full Circle Group. The telco expense management experts examined business SMS usage and costs over three years, including more than 250 business clients and a whopping two million SMS messages. The outcomes are likely to surprise you.
Is it Windows 8 or bust for Microsoft?
Windows 8 or bust?
Microsoft’s fate in the post-PC world is inextricably linked to Windows 8, the newest version of its ubiquitous but antiquated operating...
Is wine, food and travel worth anything if it’s not on the iPhone? Ask...
VisitVineyards.com has launched an iPhone app that brings its rich content to travellers. The online wine and food travel guide was once called “Australia’s most comprehensive guide to regional wine, food and travel guide” by the Mornington Peninsula and received several other encomiums for blazing a new trail in this realm. So, the development of the app is in keeping with its reputation as a new media pioneer.
Codengo revives pioneering mobile platform Javaground
Unless you’re a nerdy boffin whose speciality is mid-noughties mobile companies, you may not have heard of Javaground. Back in the day (well, mid-last decade, which is the mobile equivalent of BC times) Javaground was *the* leading provider of mobile app development tools. The company’s client list included Sony Online Entertainment, Capcom, Namco and Indiagames. It's now Australia bound, following its acquisition by Codengo.
Is Googorola a bid to challenge Apple?
There’s been a flurry of shy interpretations, punditry and, yes, speculation, too, since Google agreed to buy Motorola Mobility, the handset maker, for $12.5 billion. Some see the deal as a defensive play that secures Motorola’s treasure trove of patents as Google protects its mobile Android operating system from lawsuits. Some others see in the deal a threat to other mobile makers who build phones based on the Android. Can Google pull it off?
Google’s $12.5bn Motorola bid has mobile industry in a tizz
Google’s recent announcement that it had snapped up Motorola Mobility for a cool $12.5bn cash has techie types all a-quiver. Top smartphone and tablet manufacturers that use Google’s Android operating system to power their devices have put on their game faces following the announcement. However, many pundits have speculated that they're collectively bricking it (our words, not theirs).
Promotion for food-reviewing application Nosh sets new standard for app ads
There's this new phone app called Nosh that allows users to upload and share images and reviews of restaurant food. The next killer app? Not likely. But the smart, low-budget video that promotes Nosh is the best app ad we've seen in the long time.
Marketing lesson: iPhone is for women, Android is for men
e-channel ran two sets of tests on users of the two different phones. In one, it delivered group buying deals offering discounts at grocery stores, restaurants and, health and beauty stores; in the other, it beamed information on the male-centric Australian Football League (AFL).
iPhone users twice as valuable as Android users for advertisers
The iPhone truly sets us apart. You're an iPhone user or... well... you're just *not*.
It is something many of us have known for some...
The future of print media? Augmented-reality newspaper ad jumps off the page [VIDEO]
Who says print is dead? Commonwealth Bank tapped the talents of Sydney computer graphics company Explore Engage and put out a newspaper ad that jumps off the page. All you need is a smartphone camera loaded with a reader app.
The iPad vs the Tablet PC vs the Notebook: Which one will come out...
With the release of the iPad 2 earlier this month, all signs indicate the tablet is here to stay. Yet some disenchanted users (and their sore fingers) are ditching tablets for the no-nonsense notebook. Stephan Lange assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each and predicts which models will fare the best with consumers.
Freelancer survey reveals technology winners and losers for 2010 (PHP biggest winner; Microsoft biggest...
Online outsourcing marketplace (and Anthill Cool Company Award winner) Freelancer.com has released the results of its 2010 Freelancer Fast 50 index, an analysis of 320,000 online job postings, revealing the most (and least) popular technologies desired for freelance jobs in 2010, providing a barometer of technology trends.
The 9 greatest online threats to watch out for in 2011 [IMPORTANT READING]
Some of the most popular gadgets and services from 2010, like Google's Android and Google TV, and Apple's iPhone and Mac OS X platform, are predicted to be major targets for cyberattacks this year. McAfee and its researchers also predict acts of "hacktivism" to be more common, as more groups commit politically motivated cyberattacks like those of Wikileaks.
Thinking is so overrated: Google ruins Sudoku for everyone [VIDEO]
Sudoku. What a wonderful puzzle game. Calisthenics for the brain. Keeps the ol' gray matter in fighting trim, yes, it does. To which Google replies: Pppbbhhhhttt.
What were the dumbest mobile phone products in 2010? Ovum reveals the ‘winners’ of...
A service that employs a real person to call you each day to tell you how awesome you are -- and charges $45 a month for this 'feel good' moment -- was the forehead-slapping winner of Ovum's annual Wireless Turkey Awards.