Home ANTHILL TV How to be a ruthless leader; not quite the Art of War...

How to be a ruthless leader; not quite the Art of War [VIDEO]


If you’ve not managed to watch House of Cards, the U.S. political drama starring Kevin Spacey, I recommend you find the time.

Spacey plays to part of Frank Underwood, the Majority House Whip who doesn’t get appointed as Secretary of State, as he expected. The series is about Underwood exacting revenge on those who betrayed him. Being ruthless is an every day occurrence for Underwood.

And, as a result, Spacey delivers some of the most profound lines about leadership and revenge. Living life to the Underwood decree will turn you into an alpha personality type, that’s for sure. But, you may lose your soul along the way. And, you may also develop an insatiable hankering for barbecued ribs, at any time of the day.

Nonetheless, here’s a quick four minute video that will explain to you exactly how to be ruthless.

Lessons in ruthlessness from Frank Underwood
