This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.
This innovation came to life when…
This innovation initially came to life when Gretha Oost was doing her head in about WHY we drink so much bottled water.
The purpose of this innovation is to…
The purpose of this innovation is to make drinking tap water in public spaces an awesome experience. Currently drinking fountains are cold and ugly. When they are attractive and desirable we all bring our own water bottle and never have to buy bottled water ever again.
It does this by…
Through art and design Project 0 makes drinking water in public spaces an awesome experience. Project 0 initiates collaboration between business, government and the public. Through sponsorship business, corporates ‘adopt a fountain’. Then communities get together and crowd fund the art for the fountain and finally Government installs the fountain.
This innovation improves on what came before because…
Current: Cold, stainless steel, unhygienic drinking fountains that 85% of people feel uncomfortable to use.
New: Project 0 Art Fountains that bring a smile to your face. Collectively funded by Government, Business and Communities to create shared ownership and better connection.
Its various benefits to the customer/end-user include…
Clean attractive refilling stations that have a dual purpose. Combining art and functionality. Shared ownership, community engagement and a lot of happy people.
In the past, this problem was solved by…
In the past, this problem was solved by buying water in plastic bottles from pristine mountains promoted by supermodels in bikinis.
Its predecessors/competitors include…
There is nothing out there that is as brilliant as this idea #bigsmile
It is made for…
It is made for everybody that likes to drink water.
It is about changing perception that providing drinking fountains is Government responsibility only. Let’s turn this idea on its head. Now we create gorgeous Project 0 Art Fountains outside cafes, stores (e.g. Sports Girl, Australia Post, etc. etc.) in lobbies of big corporate offices, endless opportunities.
It is available for sale through…
Distribution is via Project 0 platform, where any one can log on and ‘claim’ a fountain location + a sponsored ‘Fountain as a Canvas’. Next step is to simply engage your community/colleagues/neighbours to help pitch in via crowdfunding and voila.
Our marketing strategy is to…
We will build momentum for creating Project 0 Art Fountains in local communities by creating lots of buzz on- and offline around the first fountains that are being built. Then, because it is so easy to create your own fountain in your local park, tennis club or cafe you will want to engage your community to build your own.
Your Turn — VOTE!
The Readers’ Choice Index was created to provide an opportunity for Anthill readers to vote on SMART 100 applications, in one of three ways:
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- Leave a Comment: Anonymous comments excluded (1 points)
We’ll use your vote to create the 2014 SMART 100 Readers’ Choice Index.
This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.