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What is 30under30?
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. This year saw a surfeit of highly qualified entrants, so we thought we would highlight some of the bright and innovative nominees who just missed Top 30 by a wink. Behold, our 2012 30under30 Honourable Mentions! More.
Nathan Murphy, NSW (b. 1991)
Name: Nathan Murphy
Age: 21 (Born: July 1991)
Gender: Male
State: NSW
Known for: MuesliForMe
Nathan Murphy loves muesli — really lurrrrrves it. Although he’s experimented with three prior business ideas (all before 21!), his devotion to the breakfast munch has yielded his most impressing footprint on the entrepreneurial trail.
MuesliForMe doesn’t merely sell customised mixes to enthusiasts, it acts as a subscription service, delivering new combos by mail each month.
Murphy transformed his idea into reality in less than 90 days, and has already seen his $3,000 launch budget turn into a positive cash flow.
Having overcome a tough period of family troubles that left him homeless, Murphy knows how to succeed by bootstrapping it. “Mentors around me have wholeheartedly encouraged me to build my companies without feeling I need to go to university,” he says.
“This is a mindset I want to share with a lot more high school students.”
His inspiring story even won him the pitching contest at the Sydney Young Entrepreneur’s Unconvention, which produced a round of seed capital with it.
For every great idea, a healthy nutrient.
Anthill asks: Nathan Murphy, what’s your super power?
I make magic happen with very little money and in very little time. I can turn an idea into a vision of a billion dollar business and inspire the team who will make it happen.
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.