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What are the Anthill Cool Company Awards?
The Cool Company Awards were launched in 2006 as a way for Anthill to acknowledge and celebrate Australian organisations that are doing things differently to bring about positive change. Cool Companies stay one step ahead of the rest. They breed leaders who are rule-makers and rule-breakers. They are trend-setters in attitude and action. Quite simply, they are … cool! More.
Company: Geepers
State: VIC
Category: Innovation, X-Factor
David Whitfield got the idea for his company while trying to visit a factory in China. As he sat, twiddling his thumbs, a cab driver fiddled with his dash-mounted GPS unit, unable to locate the factory’s address and unwilling to move the car without it. It was then that Whitfield had an epiphany, “there must be a better way.”
The result is Geepers, a company with a vision of providing the primary geo-location protocol for the world. The service allows users to create people-friendly user-names and associate them with highly-precise GPS locations. This makes it easier than ever to find anyone, anywhere in the world.
To achieve this, Geepers is building its own new technology. Geepers is reaching out to solve problems in the ecommerce and courier industries, in an effort to reduce the amount of failed deliveries affecting those industries.
Geepers started in 2012, and it reached its early goal of getting its service to public users within six months of operation. But it wasn’t all clear sailing the whole time.
“Embarrassingly, Geepers initially built its platform using Google Maps. However, as China is one of our key target markets and Google Maps does not provide full functionality in China, we are currently moving to Here Maps which is fully functional throughout China,” says Whitfield.
“The company has recently brought in outside assistance to totally revisit our ‘Big Picture’ and re-create our product road map. This has resulted in a change to the way we manage our software development and we are putting in place an IT Advisory Board of highly skilled IT and marketing individuals to guide the future direction of the platform.”
Geepers operates in the rare “B2A” (business-to-all) market, meaning that businesses and consumers alike can use the service in equal measure. From tracking down the nearest ATM, to locating a cab customer’s destination with pinpoint accuracy, the company is taking the street address into the 21st century, using GPS in an ever-increasingly mobile world.
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