Anthill is having its 6th birthday this week. To celebrate, we’re taking a stroll down memory lane. Today, it’s all about blogs, ballsy stunts and The Bulletin.
After the closure of The Bulletin by ACP in February 2008, Anthill staged a PR stunt, offering to buy the publishing icon for one dollar. Not surprisingly, our offer was dismissed.
As a follow-up, we decided to really push our luck and dedicate the rear cover of Anthill’s April/May 2008 edition (AA27) to the defunct title, publishing The Bullantin, ‘Australia’s leading source of ant-related news’.
Of course, our version was loaded with ant-related headlines including ‘How to find happiness underneath the magnifying glass’, ‘How to carry 10 times your weight’ and ‘It’s good to be the Queen: Highness reveals all’.
While we waited in eager anticipation to hear from the lawyers at ACP (knowing that any legal action would only inflate the already expanding PR potential of our mock cover), no irate emails, pressing phone calls or ‘cease and desist’ orders ever arrived.
In fact, the only trouble that this cover ever caused was in its original incarnation, as the that of Anthill’s launch edition, when it was brought to our attention that we may have broken federal laws that strictly govern the reproduction of currency.
(Do you notice that The Bullantin version crops the image of the coin, while the original image wraps around the spine?)
Yes, it might be well-known that ants are great at recycling. But we never could have guessed they could get us in trouble for counterfeiting!