Let’s face it. Without electricity, life as we know it would simply cease to be.
Plus, first world countries are trying to help third world countries grow and prosper. Providing power to these developing countries is critical.
With growing energy needs coupled with concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, most of electricity companies are under pressure to find alternative energy creation methods that are economically viable.
Quite simply, the energy generated through fossil fuel is not sustainable. So, what is needed are clean energy technologies that are cheap.
Simple, isn’t it?
Ignition Labs: A genius idea for clean technology
To help Australian companies create new clean energy ideas, the ATP Innovations has introduced Ignition Labs, Australia’s first clean technology accelerator.
Ignition Labs wants to inspire the next generation of leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators in the field clean technology, to fight problems that confront humanity.
The accelerator is designed to help early stage businesses secure initial customers, capital investment and government grants. Andrew Stead, Director Business Development at ATP Innovations said, “the clean technology sector is an exciting space with huge interest from entrepreneurs, investors and government.”
How does it work?
Ignition Labs is using the model developed by Y Combinator in the US and proven in Australia by Startmate.
Successful applicants are enrolled in an intensive three month development program. In this time, the successful applicants will be asked build a business plan, validate their technology and business model, and produce a working prototype.
At the end of the three months, the applicants pitch their clean technology business to investors in Australia and the US.
Throughout the program, mentors will be available to help guide ideas into a reality. The mentor group includes:
- Peter Le Lievre and Andrew Tanner who sold thermal solar company Ausra to Areva for $275m in 2010
- Neill Miller, an early investor in PCTools and Seek
- Nic Lowe, the founder of car sharing company GoGet
- Ben Peacock founder of sustainability strategy and PR firm, Republic of Everyone.
Applications closing soon
All you need to apply is a cracking idea, a completed application form and a two minute video pitching your idea.
Getting entry into the Ignition Labs is a competitive process, with applications closing in May. Ignition Labs will choose five high potential ideas in the first intake.
Ignition Labs are looking for ideas that fall, generally, into one the following categories:
- Renewable energy
- Emission reduction
- Energy efficiency
- Energy storage
- Resource efficiency
- Resource and energy management
- Water / wastewater recycling & treatment
- Alternative fuels
- Recycling and packaging
- Carbon capture
- Environmental remediation
Applications close in May, so get on with it.
Do you have what it takes to be in the first group of Ignition Labs companies?