Ozfounded.com is building a map to promote the tech startup community in Australia. The map has been started, but Ozfounded needs your help to keep it fresh.
The map features over 120 startups already, and more are being added regularly. The best news is, your startup can be added, too. Talk about community.
If you have a startup, add the “Oz Founded” logo to your website and link to http://www.ozfounded.com.
Cool stuff is already listed there, and tons of compies listed are worth checking out. Startups already on the list include Jumbuck Entertainment, FanFare, and Credit Key.
The awesomeness doesn’t end there, though. Ozfounded also maps accelerators, investors, and incubators, as well as events and constancies, making Ozfounded all the more useful.
Many other cool companies are listed, and don’t forget that yours can be among them. We like, we like!