Bloomtools, one of Australia’s most ambitious website design firms, is celebrating its eighth birthday in style by offering a free website to charities throughout Australia and Kiwi-land.
The total package is quite worth having, valued at $5,850! Word!
The lucky worthy causes will receive the full red carpet treatment including:
- Website design that fits with the charity’s goals and audience (always helpful, right?)
- A photo gallery showcasing the people who have been helped by the charity
- An all-important blog that will allow charity personnel to keeping readers apprised of the goings-on and the what’s-happenings of the organsation
- A database marketing account that will allow the charity to send emails and SMS notifications to subscribers
- An integrated payment-collection system for those ever-handy charitable donations
- A cool and intuitive data collection system that fits the organisation’s goals and its client’s needs
“We have had eight successful years where we and our clients have seen constant growth. We want to celebrate this, and to do this the team have decided they want to share their success with the worthy causes that work so hard to provide for those less fortunate,” says Boomtools CEO James Greig
If you know of any suitable charities, please forward this message and ask them to complete Bloomtools free charity website application form ( In the spirit of giving, Bloomtools are aiming to have each of these free websites up and running before Christmas. All applications need to be in before October 30.
So get cracking, Anthillian masses! The hours are numbered!