Does online marketing get you confused? Do you think you could do more for your business by getting your head around social media? Is your website not achieving all its supposed to?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you’re not alone. That’s why we created The Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business and Startups Email Education Series. (Sign up for the free eSeries.)
To sign-up, complete the form below.
What should you expect from this education series?
Once a week, for 10 weeks, you will now receive an email from us specifically on the topic of online marketing for small business owners and startups. If you are not already an Anthill subscriber, you will now also receive Anthill’s normal email newsletter (crafted with love).
This series is NOT founded on vague assumptions or random thoughts.
This is a structured program, that will introduce beginners to the basics of online marketing and will help those with some ‘runs on the board’ undertake increasingly more sophisticated, replicable and proven strategies.
Each instalment in the series will contain:
- One central lesson
- One case study (including real statistics)
- One set of actions (to keep you moving forward)
- One set of online tools (worth checking out)
You can unsubscribe from this series at any time and it won’t interfere with your subscription to Anthill’s regular email newsletter. You can also stop, start and repeat lessons. We’ll also be including giveaways, promotions and freebies!
Why are you bothering with online marketing in the first place?
This series will address…
- The language and tools of online marketing: tactics and terminology
- How to create compelling offers online: Writing for the web (inc SEO basics)
- Search Engine Optimisation: Why you don’t need to be a tech-geek to get it right
- Social media: How to empower your customers to do your marketing for you
- Using email to get cut-through and click-through: Web’s ugly sister
- Why small business should become the next media barons
- Masterclass: An integrated approach (inc. Leads Acquisition Strategy)
- Checklist & Tools Summary
But to begin with, it’s essential that you answer this very important question: Why are you bothering with online marketing in the first place? Sign-up to find out why this question must be answered if you want to succeed when promoting your business online.