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5 reasons your problems aren't being solved (and 5 ways to solve them)
Without knowing it, we're constantly hindering ourselves from thinking productively and solving problems. The good news is, this is easy to remedy. Here are five things we do that hinder productive thought and five things we can do to think better.
5 reasons your problems aren’t being solved (and 5 ways to solve them)
Without knowing it, we're constantly hindering ourselves from thinking productively and solving problems. The good news is, this is easy to remedy. Here are five things we do that hinder productive thought and five things we can do to think better.
Website of the Week: Don't buy – save your cash and rent at Rentoid.com
While Rentoid contains the everyday items you'd expect to see listed (chainsaws, ladders, laptop computers, air conditioners, etc.) there are also some deliciously oddball items. You can rent an island, sports cars, private jets, a unicycle, a driveway, a full-size wrestling ring, an R2D2 projector, even a wife (listed in the "antique" category).
Website of the Week: Don’t buy – save your cash and rent at Rentoid.com
While Rentoid contains the everyday items you'd expect to see listed (chainsaws, ladders, laptop computers, air conditioners, etc.) there are also some deliciously oddball items. You can rent an island, sports cars, private jets, a unicycle, a driveway, a full-size wrestling ring, an R2D2 projector, even a wife (listed in the "antique" category).
Victorian Government launches online Business Loan Finder
The Victorian Government has launched a free online service to help Australian SMEs navigate the maze of business loans on offer.
Digging For Gold
It’s no coincidence that those old-time miners, enduring the elements and living with uncertainty in their quest for gold, have a lot in common...
Letter from China | Meetings – how many will it take?
The term "losing face" is big in China. Mistakes are a blight on someone's reputation and must be hidden and protected at all times. Truth and foresight can be impaired if "face" is involved. It supersedes all other qualities and motives.
Letter from China | Meetings – how many will it take?
The term "losing face" is big in China. Mistakes are a blight on someone's reputation and must be hidden and protected at all times. Truth and foresight can be impaired if "face" is involved. It supersedes all other qualities and motives.
Window on the future: online video in Asia
The very conditions that make Asia such a disruptive market for consumer behaviour - lax copyright, fast broadband, urban youth subcultures, advanced mobile devices - are also fast becoming global trends. As the rest of the world joins the party, you can rest assured, the future of TV will not be far behind.
EXCLUSIVE: Spellr.us, the digital spell-checker, comes out of beta, offers pricing plans
News just in that Spellr.us, the website spell-checking service created by Sydney-based digital media company Melon Media, cast aside its beta training wheels this afternoon and launched to the public.
New web service matches bushfire victims to temporary housing
Creative agency Sputnik has created Bushfire Housing, a free web service that enables people to post and find offers of temporary accommodation for Victorians who are now homeless. It's an incredibly useful service as it provides needed relief right now in a way that money can not.
If you live in Victoria and have spare room at your place, consider offering it as a temporary billet.
How to create advertising that compels people to buy
Every business owner in the world knows the expression, "I know half my advertising is wasted, I just don't know which half." For the...
Letter from China | China, one scoop at a time
You would think that in China - with its growing power base, its population of more than 1.4bn people and its status as a...
Letter from China | China, one scoop at a time
You would think that in China - with its growing power base, its population of more than 1.4bn people and its status as a...
Vodafone-Hutchison merger is good news for competition
Yesterday's announcement that Vodafone and 3 will merge in Australia bodes well for the industry, according to telecommunications analyst, Paul Budde.
Sometimes it makes...
How 'cool' is your company?
The 2009 Cool Company Awards will be accepting nominations from July 2009. Until then, we hope that you enjoy this clip from last year's...
How ‘cool’ is your company?
The 2009 Cool Company Awards will be accepting nominations from July 2009. Until then, we hope that you enjoy this clip from last year's...