Boyfriend Arm Pillow
Ladies! Sick of sleeping alone? Lost all hope of meeting Mr Right? Why not settle for Mr Right Now? (Or at least his left arm.)
Thanks to the good folks at Japanese bed linen maker Kameo Corporation, headquartered in the sleepy city of Fukuoka, you can now doze off on your very own faux bo bicep. Enjoy the comfort of a strapping man’s nook whenever you feel like it. And, best of all, your toilet seat stays down.
But WAIT. That’s not all! If feminine curves are more your thing, Kameo Corporation also brings you the “Girlfriend Lap Pillow”, complete with plump stomach. This one carries a slightly higher degree of difficulty on the mount and dismount, but once you’re up there the only dude in sight is The Sandman.
Put an end to those lonely nights pining for your perfect match. Life’s too short! No one wakes up alone in the land of the rising sun.
BI-GOODNESS is a bi-monthly column dedicated to the quirky, generally funny and often dangerously impractical inventions and business concepts that occasionally come our way. It is a tribute to the one-eyed entrepreneur, the nutty professor and dotcom jockey in each of us.