B2BExpo 2016 will be presented on April 27-28 2016 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and June 1-2 2016 at the Sydney Hordern Pavilion.
This inaugural event is focused at the SME business sector and is an ideal forum for business owners and senior management to gauge the latest market trends and solutions from industry leaders. B2BExpo 2016 is organised by Australian Business Forum (ABF), a business platform that facilitates the growing and networking of SMEs across various industry sectors.
The SME sector plays a vital role in the Australian economy, representing a staggering 98 per cent of actively trading businesses. The Australian government has been fostering this sector through international treaties, including the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China, Japan and Korea.
While the SME sector is a booming arena, these businesses are often under-resourced and time-poor. To help optimise their current resources, B2BExpo 2016 will provide an expansive opportunity to SMEs to connect with high profile entrepreneurs and business leaders to develop their business strategies.
The expo is supported by AusIndustry, Austrade, and the New South Wales and Victorian Governments. It is a one-stop-shop for the SME business sector from start-ups to corporate brand sponsors.
What exactly does B2BExpo 2016 have to offer?
In addition, B2BExpo 2016 will host premium networking functions like B2B Breakfast and B2B Mix at Six. Major feature of the exhibition will be high profile feature zones that will cover all facets of small and medium enterprises. These include; StartUp Street, E-commerce Zone, Business Services Hub, IT Matters, Media Hub, International Trade, Government Pavilion and the Financial Services Hub.
The B2B Seminars series will be in strong demand and an extensive programme has been confirmed with industry experts. The delegation from the Republic of Mauritius will be presenting the Mauritius Pavilion. 30 exhibitors with a focus on textile, food and beverage, and jewellery from the Republic will be exhibiting at the B2BExpo 2016 to develop trade channels with Australian businesses.
The seminars accompanying the expo are a valuable part of the event for attendees. The speakers for these seminars will include and not limited to, Fady Daher (VP for Client Management for American Express), Benjamin Sun (Managing Director for Think China) and Ann Middleby (Project Leader: Foreign Investment Integrity Reforms for Australian Taxation Office).
Sponsors include American Express, Oracle, ServCorp and Mercedes Benz Sydney as well as industry associations, along with over 150 exhibitors.
B2BExpo 2016 will be presented in conjunction with Australia China Expo 2016 (ACE 2016) and China Digital Conference (CDC 2016). The Australia China Expo will showcase the Australia-China sector and host several delegations from China. China Digital Conference, now in its fourth year is a key platform to connect with digital experts and industry leaders from China and assist companies in developing their online China strategies. B2BExpo, Australia China Expo and China Digital Conference are highly recommended for business owners, start-ups and enterprises looking to develop their business platforms in 2016.