Home Featured Slider Are you seeking capital? August is ‘Venture Capital Month’ at Anthill!

Are you seeking capital? August is ‘Venture Capital Month’ at Anthill!


So you have the commitment, the creativity, the cojones. But do you have the capital?

This August, we’ve decided to explore the many facets of capital raising – from angel investment and grants to venture capital and private equity.

For want of a better name, we’re calling this exercise Anthill’s VC Month.

Over the next four weeks, we’ll be bringing you a range of opinions, articles, videos and podcasts on this topic, culminating in an evening seminar and half-day workshop, to be held in collaboration with Design Victoria (aptly titled ‘Venture Capital by Design’).

To kick-start the activities, check out our Venture Capital Topic Centre.


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It’s time to join the VC train Anthillians. The buck starts here!

It’s Venture Capital Month at Anthill. Click the image below to attend the event!

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