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Want to pitch your idea in New York? PitchIt startup challenge offers $50,000 for ideas (not just startups)


The 2011 We Media PitchIt Challenge is offering US$50,000 in seed funding to help launch two innovative media and technology startups. It’s now open for entries and the deadline to enter the challenge is 4 February 2011.

While the competition is hosted in New York, applicants are eligible from all corners of the globe, providing that, if named as a Finalist, they are “willing to pitch their ideas live before a panel of expert judges and attendees of the We Media NYC conference on April 6 in New York City”.

Finalists will also be invited to participate in a startup boot camp, where they will “benefit from feedback and advice from a network of expert mentors”.

Two winners each will earn a US$25,000 sponsorship to help launch their idea.

The organisers are also keen to point out that PitchIt isn’t just for startups.

According to the website, “It’s for ideas from would-be entrepreneurs who could be the founders of great startups. Unlike purely commercial investors, we’re open to commercial and not-for-profit ideas. Our payoff is boosting the prospects of people with brilliant ideas, regardless of the business model and structure.”

In its fifth year, the challenge is sponsored by the Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. To register for the We Media NYC conference, click here.

Image by Hughelectronic