This bonus video is a supplementary lesson to the Anthill Academy course, “How to master the not-so-secret art of the growth hacker.” Click here for the full course.
What’s a growth hacker? It’s a way of thinking that’s particularly helpful if you want to get more leads, build ongoing customer relationships and earn yourself happy clients.
In this short video tutorial, Anthill’s James Tuckerman outlines three tools to help the first time online marketer start getting runs on the online marketing board.
In fact, the 20 minute tutorial features a whopping 14 examples of lead magnets and 17 online products that he uses to create content and keep knowledge hungry business builders (just like you) coming back for more.
SPOILER ALERT: If this course makes your brain want to explode, join the Anthill Academy to watch the foundation course and get the theory to accompany the tools.
Tools to get leads and build rapport