Tag: television
How what we do offline is keeping traditional media alive [Infographic]
It may sound surprising, but there is this black box thingy in everyone’s home that displays moving images. It’s sort of like a computer but it’s a one-way street – output only. You can’t like stuff with it, and there’s nowhere to put a comment. It’s still cool, though, because lots of the latest episodic programmes come through it. It’s called a TV.
Should we blame Twitter for the rolling coverage of every disaster? What should television...
Is the real-time coverage of every natural disaster an attempt by television news executives to try to be meaningful in the era of social media? If it is, then I don't think the strategy is working. Personally, I blame Twitter.
Brace yourself for the Digital Revolution. It’s only just begun.
If you've grown wary of all the New Media hype, put your scepticism on hold. Far from petering out, argues Paul G. Roberts, digital technology’s effect on information and communication, in all of our interconnected lives, is guaranteed to keep accelerating. In this first of two parts, Roberts traces the origins of information sharing from prehistoric times to the present day. We have come a long way -- and even with media communications more democratic than ever, there's still plenty of room to grow.
Internet TV will soon overtake cable, Ovum predicts
Over the next five years, internet protocol TV (IPTV) is expected to grow, globally, at an annual rate of 24%, reaching 109 million households. But this number is still very far from the 573 million homes that cable TV is expected to reach by 2015, at a growth of 3% per year, predicts Ovum in its most recent report.
Internet surpasses television as the main source of news for younger generations [STATISTICS]
The most recent report of The Pew Research Center for the People and Press reveals the internet has surpassed television as the main news source for American young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 years old. And this year, for the first time, the internet surpassed radio as the main source of news for Americans aged over 50, including the over 65 demographic.
Ever IM’ed a friend who was sitting in the same room? Survey reveals what...
A clear majority of Australians today value their laptops more than their TVs, according to a survey commissioned by Intel. With all the talk of the internet becoming a fourth utility in households, that finding may not surprise. But just how internet dependent are we? According to the same survey, a lot of us are now OK chatting online or Facebooking with someone within earshot.
All clear for the NBN, new anti-siphoning laws and more
Leon and Garry talk about Telstra’s shares soaring with the Government getting the NBN legislation through parliament. What’s next, and how is the business model shaping up? Plus, a look at the new anti-siphoning laws and why they provide wins for both free-to-air TV and pay TV.
Get your ad banned if you want it to pop (like a polar bear’s...
The 'interwebs' are filled with commercials proudly and boldy described as 'banned'. There is almost no better link bait (he writes shamelessly aware of this very post's title). We all know this intuitively. But now digital technology can not only be used to provide proof. It can be used to create a commercial justification.
Get your ad banned if you want it to pop (like a polar bear's...
The 'interwebs' are filled with commercials proudly and boldy described as 'banned'. There is almost no better link bait (he writes shamelessly aware of this very post's title). We all know this intuitively. But now digital technology can not only be used to provide proof. It can be used to create a commercial justification.
Underbelly “app” for iPhone first shot in new publishing wars?
Australian publisher Allen & Unwin, in partnership with Underbelly authors Andrew Rule and John Silvester, this week launched digital versions of the three bestselling books of the series.
Underbelly "app" for iPhone first shot in new publishing wars?
Australian publisher Allen & Unwin, in partnership with Underbelly authors Andrew Rule and John Silvester, this week launched digital versions of the three bestselling books of the series.
Hotel, prison encourage guests to generate own energy via pedal power
You’ve heard of singing for your supper, but in this environmentally conscious age, institutions are now inviting patrons to pedal for privileges.
How to make school kids behave? Give them Wi-Fi!
A recent project in Arizona, USA to install Wifi hotspot on school buses has turn a rowdy bus ride into a "rolling study hall", reports the New York Times. While the Internet is often blamed for causing a whole heap of teenager problems, what's available on the internet seems irrelevant when it comes down to changing their behaviour.
Stargate Studios exposes how TV shows are actually created now
This astonishing clip from Stargate Studios shows exactly how blockbusters films and prime-time television shows are now created -- rarely on location and without the inconvenience of extras ogling the stars. Next time you're watching the latest US drama (assuming that's your 'thang'), spare a thought for the poor actors (and their mountains of cash).
TV news reporting by the book (spoof)
The format for composing TV news reports contains less than meets the eye. Much less, as English satirist Charlie Brook reveals in this searing exposé.
What is Anthill? News Ltd thinks we're a 'marketing website'
It seems that with Anthill moving away from its print origins, the mainstream print media has become less coy about including Anthill activities as part of newspaper content. This weekend, Anthill made its News Ltd debut, appearing in the Herald Sun and its various 'sister' publications throughout our great nation. (It only took five years!) Despite the good exposure, the most valuable outcome, from our perspective, from these events is that they have forced us to start practicing what we preach and get some clarity around own branding. Can we be a 'magazine' without a regular print product? Are we a community, a channel, a media outlet? Perhaps we're something else yet again?
What is Anthill? News Ltd thinks we’re a ‘marketing website’
It seems that with Anthill moving away from its print origins, the mainstream print media has become less coy about including Anthill activities as part of newspaper content. This weekend, Anthill made its News Ltd debut, appearing in the Herald Sun and its various 'sister' publications throughout our great nation. (It only took five years!) Despite the good exposure, the most valuable outcome, from our perspective, from these events is that they have forced us to start practicing what we preach and get some clarity around own branding. Can we be a 'magazine' without a regular print product? Are we a community, a channel, a media outlet? Perhaps we're something else yet again?
The top 10 greatest Australian television commercials ever
One more round of beers and I'd pulled out my notepad and we were brainstorming the Top 10 Greatest Australian Television Commercials Ever.
Website of the Week: The Gruen Transfer
In shopping mall design, the "Gruen transfer" refers to the moment when consumers respond to "scripted disorientation" cues in the environment (of course, with the goal of soliciting a purchase). It shouldn't come as a surprise, therefore, that the website of the popular ABC television program of the same name is extremely effective at seducing visitors who wander through its pages, making departure feel almost impossible.
What do the PM and The Fonz have in common?
The AFR's Peter Ruel contributed a great piece to today's news cycle, bound to delight anyone who watched the PM's exhausting attempt on the ABC's Lateline earlier this week to avoid sharing his thoughts on 'what level the public debt is likely to go'.