Tag: smart phones
Look how far we’ve come: Arthur C. Clarke predicts the Internet in 1974 [VIDEO]
Firstly, ask yourself this: Were you born in 1974?
I'm well aware it would be impolite for you to ask me the same question!
Forty years...
Really? This ad resonated with 13 million people? [VIDEO]
This is an ad from Thailand that, upon its release at the end of June, quickly went viral.
How viral? It's been viewed more than...
Smart phones are a web killer but there’s been one thing you couldn’t do,...
No matter which way you look at it, smart phones have changed our lives.
These devices have changed how we communicate with each other, use...
What’s next in mobile technology? It’s interesting and kind of scary at the same...
Google has its tentacles in many pies, so to speak.
Its advanced technology team has been developing a phone that aims to move beyond the...
The iPhone is a remix and, that doesn’t make it any less remarkable [VIDEO]
When Steve Jobs stepped on stage on January 9th, 2007 he knew he was going to be changing the way the world worked.
1986 called. It wants its jeans and haircut back. One family’s adventure into a...
Let me first be upfront about this. Not a lot of interesting stuff happened in 1986.
I know. I was there.
The year itself started on...
Do we really need a new phone? Isn’t there a smarter way? [VIDEO]
Apple has announced its shiny new iPhone 5S. It comes in gold. I'm not so sure about that but other than that, yes, I...
Have smart phone mapping apps made street signs redundant? Now, there’s a new type...
If you're not sure where you're going, chances are, you pull out your smart phone.
Within a few simple taps, you know where you are,...
How deep is your love? I really need to know, because we’re living in...
Sing the headline in your best falsetto Bee Gees voice. How deep is your love for your smart phone?
Is this the beginning of a brand revolution? Is Alicia Keys really going to...
On a flight not that long ago, I sat next to someone who had a Blackberry 4 connected to Vodafone. I considered suggesting to him that two tin cans connected with a piece of string might work better. Perhaps that was a little harsh. Oh well.
Employees now using their smart phones for more than just tweeting at work
You there, yes, you, reading this. Are you tweeting during working hours? What's that? You're just replying client emails. Sure you are.
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Small businesses happy despite the cloudy economic weather
The current economic climate has often been the subject of negative opinions. Raise your hand if you have not seen a suited-up doomsayer on TV foretelling the economic Apocalypse... see, no hands! However, the responses and attitudes towards whether, and where, existing businesses are prepared to spend over the next 12 months, paint a rather fascinating picture. These guys are dancing in the rain! With 72% of business owners saying they would be happy to start up a business again, the survey also revealed 53% of owners say their business is their passion.