Tag: nikki durkin
A lesson from the 2016 Rio Olympics: The mindset of winners is failure and...
What entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs need to remember is that while the risk is high, so too can be the rewards. Like an athlete, it is important to aim high, get into a winning mindset and treat failure as a learning experience.
Behind the headlines, this is what it feels like when a startup fails
You'll remember Nikki Durkin from 99Dresses. Every business and startup publication praised her success, her goals and guts as she built her business.
But, 99Dresses...
Better than Pinterest? 99dresses.com finds new lease of life in Silicon Valley
What happened when Nikki Durkin took 99dresses.com to Silicon Valley? The 20 year old has been telling the American press that she has 'created crack for women', after three months of internship at YCombinator, arguably the world’s most famous startup accelerator.
Nikki Durkin of 99dresses talks about the challenge of sudden success
Nikki Durkin and her 99dresses enterprise have been one of the signature stories among Australian startups over the past year. In this interview with StartCast, Durkin offers insight into how she developed her company out of a simple question on a Facebook page.
Web apps for dates, dress-ups and deal hunters: a look at the latest Sydney...
Five young entrepreneurs walk into a room. None of them have ever met before. They have 24 hours to brainstorm, design, program and implement a unique web application or business – and then introduce it to the world. It’s no joke. It’s the formula that defined the latest Sydney StartupCamp. Not much sleep was had, but in the end each group’s perseverance paid off: the ten participating teams now represent ten brand new businesses.
Nikki Durkin, 2010 Anthill 30under30 Winner
Nikki Durkin, 19, harnessed the power of Facebook to spread the word of the 99dresses concept. She held a Facebook event that described the idea and asked who might be interested. Within two weeks, 20,000 women had been invited. She then launched a fan page for 99dresses (which still didn't exist as a website) with 2,000 fans.