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Tag: Motivation

8 entrepreneurial skills you should teach your kids today [INFOGRAPHIC]

The same skills that entrepreneurs learn in the great game of business can be just as well be taught to the children of today and boost their creativity

You are your inner circle: Why you need to surround yourself with dream-makers and...

Who you surround yourself with – both at work and away from work – is very important. The journey to business success can be long...

Do you do daily affirmations like this kid? [VIDEO]

Feeling like you're not up to it today? Feeling like someone is going to find out that you don't know what you're doing? That is...

Five essential words of advice from billionaire Shutterstock founder, Jon Oringer [VIDEO]

Accept that you will fail. These are the words that stuck with Jon Oringer throughout his pathway to becoming a successful entrepreneur. In this short video,...

Three things every business can learn from LinkedIn’s company culture

Each company is defined by it. Not many know it by name and many don’t even know it exists! It’s your company culture, your...

How to lead by example: Four top tips for leaders

Becoming a leader requires a lot of learning – about your field, your company, competitors, your staff, your skills, strengths, and of course your...

Mark Cuban’s top 12 rules for every entrepreneur building a startup [VIDEO]

Do I need to introduce Mark Cuban? I'm going to go with no. If you don't know who he is, you should. Not sure because...

If you haven’t failed, you haven’t lived [VIDEO]

Are you having a tough week? Things not going quite to plan? Relax. And, remember that if you haven't failed, you haven't tried. This short little video...

Learning leadership: Meet Peter Acheson, CEO at Peoplebank [VIDEO]

Peter Acheson is CEO at Peoplebank. Peoplebank consistently ranks as one of the best places to work in Australia – Earning Aon Hewitt Best...

Seven of the most disrespectful things people say to entrepreneurs (and how they can...

When you start your entrepreneurial journey, all sorts of people will want to give you advice. Some of it (hopefully) will be good. Some of...

I decided to leave: An animation about leaving your job to do something better...

I remember the exact moment I decided to leave my corporate career. I was at my desk, about a month after returning from parental leave....

How do you get from an idea to a product through to commercialisation? [VIDEO]

It's a question that every entrepreneurs has to tackle. In this video, game designer Jordan Weisman explains how he thinks through an idea, and finds...

How to make real progress: Nifty tips on increasing your productivity [VIDEO]

People often ask me, how do I get through all that's on my plate. Well, the answer is that, I just have to. But sometimes, that...

A reminder to every entrepreneur: sometimes what looks impossible, actually isn’t [VIDEO]

We've all had those days. You know the ones. One of those days. The ones where whatever obstacle has just placed itself between your startup...

Is your wildest dream closer than you think?

Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams are impossible. Or wrong. Or stupid. Dreams make you break rules. Having a dream will make you...

Why was Flappy Birds so addictive? Here’s the science behind making an addictive app...

I'm not a big one for gaming. In all honesty, I cannot remember the last time I played a game on any device. At...

Why working harder isn’t going to make you more successful [VIDEO]

Shawn Achor has done a lot of research and thinking about work, success and happiness. And, it probably won't come as a huge surprise that...

Should you ask for permission or forgiveness? [VIDEO]

Do I need to introduce Seth Godin anymore? I don't think so. In this video, Godin explains the psychological traps that hold people back from...

How one business uses three hacks to automate recruitment and hire great talent for...

Everyone needs to find their A-Team. Whether it's using traditional job boards or, using broader communities like Gumtree, there are some nifty tactics that...

The five ways to getting your creativity flowing and staying ahead of the pack

Brand comes as fast as they go. Or, so it seems. Customers have a myriad of choices and, the brand they choose one day,...
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Need more leads? Here are five strategies [FREE DOWNLOAD]

How to get leads, appointments, meeting requests and sales using contemporary technologies and strategies. "Short, simple... powerful!"


Need cash for your startup or innovation? Here’s the Ultimate Grant...

Have a new business? Are you developing something AWESOME! Well, you're going to need some funding. Here are 12 resources available to people like you, right now.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...