Tag: Motivation
Nike’s ‘No excuses’ ad will get you moving
This compelling 'No Excuses' Nike promo -- featuring Wheelchair Basketball Player Matt Scott -- is about dodging exercise workouts, but the spirit is just as relevant for business. As Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin's recent series Build a startup in seven days and under $500 reveals, the best way to overcome uncertainty and doubt is to get stuck in. Or, as Nike would say, Just Do It.
The office enforcer (get ready for the pain)
This is an oldie but oh-so good. If your office discipline is waning, it might be time to keep your colleagues on their toes by bringing in an office enforcer. No HR gab-fests here. This is old school office discipline, Terry Tate-style. Hellll yeahhh.
Ari Gold's business startup advice is on the money
Ari Gold, the fast-talking fictional Hollywood agent in the hit TV show Entourage, may not be known for his sensitivity nor subtlety. But no one would accuse him of being naive when it comes to business.
Ari Gold’s business startup advice is on the money
Ari Gold, the fast-talking fictional Hollywood agent in the hit TV show Entourage, may not be known for his sensitivity nor subtlety. But no one would accuse him of being naive when it comes to business.
How to get motivated now
This July 2009 lecture to the TED in Oxford, UK sees Daniel Pink explore how the 20th century thinking behind staff and employee motivation...
Protecting your business psyche
You are the sum average of the five people you spend the most time with. Assess who these people are and the influence they have on you. Surround yourself with people that nurture your psyche. Make subtle changes to this circle of influence.
7 ways to be happier at work
The combination of entrepreneur and brain scientist is rare in one human being. Jeffrey M. Stibel is one such person, and when he opines,...
Strategy: How creative is your business?
Entrepreneurs and scientists use the concepts of ‘creativity’ and ‘innovation’ interchangeably. This is not surprising, as both play an integral role in the new...