Tag: linkedin
It’s not about who you know. It’s about who knows you! [5 Steps to...
The concept of personal branding has been discussed widely across the net. Yet many people still think that it's confined to the celebrity set, like Paris Hilton or Justin Timberlake. By definition, personal branding is ‘the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands’. In other words, it’s not about who you know but who knows you!
So, you have 300 contacts on LinkedIn. Well, I’m not impressed.
I was at an event the other day when I met a very smart, respected, and likeable business owner, named Ron. We got to discussing LinkedIn, and I asked him how many connections he had. He mentioned he had around 300, and then went on to proudly proclaim that he knew “all of them personally, save three or four”. That's great for taking care of your existing customers, I thought, but what about attracting new ones?
Why 75% of Australian business-women use social media for marketing purposes
Nearly three out of four Australian businesswomen use social media as part of their marketing strategy, according to a survey released by the Australian Businesswomen’s Network. Social media tools such as Twitter and LinkedIn are firmly established as an important component of a business’ marketing strategy, said Suzi Dafnis, community director of ABN, a training, mentoring and advocacy organisation with more than 20,000 members.
There are smarter ways to beat banner blindness than showing cleavage
This article is the fourth in The Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business (and Startups) series. Last time, we identified common terminology associated with online marketing and revealed how some websites artificially inflate Page Impressions. Today, we continue this theme and look more deeply into the science of online advertising, so that you may talk like an expert, and get ROI!
Wave Goodbye to Google Wave
Google Wave began saying its goodbyes a few days ago when development of the communication/collaboration facility software was suspended by the company. The website will be maintained until at least the end of the year.
How to create compelling offers for the web: Make them retweetable!
For the first article in this series, I asked 'Why are you bothering with online marketing?' My purpose, of course, was to emphasise the importance of creating measurable goals. But, be warned, even the most splashy, expensive, creative, courageous marketing initiative will fail if it is not built on a suitable foundation. To generate any interest in the online space, you must first develop a compelling reason for your target market to actually want to engage with you.
Why are you bothering with online marketing in the first place?
Once upon a time, a week wouldn't pass without at least one phone call or email from an aspiring print magazine publisher. These days, if there is one subject I'm asked my opinion on more than any other it's the strangely daunting topic of online marketing. For that reason, this article aspires to be the first in a series: The Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business Owners and Startups.
“No entrepreneurs on new Commercialisation Australia board.” What about marketers?
A privately initiated discussion has been gaining some momentum on the Anthill LinkedIn Group over the past week.
The discussion was triggered by an announcement from the Office of Senator Kim Carr, Australia's Minister for Innovation, pertaining to the selection of Commercialisation Australian board members.
"No entrepreneurs on new Commercialisation Australia board." What about marketers?
A privately initiated discussion has been gaining some momentum on the Anthill LinkedIn Group over the past week.
The discussion was triggered by an announcement from the Office of Senator Kim Carr, Australia's Minister for Innovation, pertaining to the selection of Commercialisation Australian board members.
LinkedIn helps Irish startup raise over $250,000 in 8 days
Limerick-based software startup Goshido recently completed its first round of private fundraising in only eight days. What is more impressive is that it accomplished this feat solely via the social media networking site LinkedIn.
The History of Social Media: As Seen by Geekstorians
People who say social media is a fad have a profound misunderstanding of the internet and the reasons why people love it so, writes Leela Cosgrove.
Anthill reader seeks Advisory Board members. Anyone?
I'm talking about an Anthill dating agency, for entrepreneurs and the satellite stakeholders that keep the wheels turnin' (partnering ideas, money and skills). The idea to post the concept was prompted by an enquiry published as a LinkedIn Group Discussion earlier today (Anthill Online LinkedIn Group).
Is there a Tipping Point for Facebook Fanpages and Groups?
It's been six months since we began experimenting in social media and three months since we made the decision to ditch our ailing Facebook Group in favour of Facebook's Fanpage format. What's been most interesting is the apparent development of several unexpected (yet welcome) mini 'Tipping Points'.
How can we stop companies banning social media apps at work?
I don't know about you (dear readers) but, whenever I'm stuck for an answer at work, I either look for an instructional screencast on YouTube, pose my question to fellow Anthilians via IM and Skype, request feedback from LinkedIn Groups or simply blog about it.
Anthill's Top 10 Social Media Sites for Australian Entrepreneurs
There is a popular blog post currently doing the rounds - a list of 25 Social Media Sites for Entrepreneurs. It provides a brief description of 25 tools (including some familiar ones, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) but with very little analysis or commentary on each. Committing to any new social networking tool is time consuming. So, I figured it might be helpful to test each out and share my views on which are useful and which... quite simply... suck (i.e. are ugly, awkward and generally suck time from your day with very little return).
Anthill’s Top 10 Social Media Sites for Australian Entrepreneurs
There is a popular blog post currently doing the rounds - a list of 25 Social Media Sites for Entrepreneurs. It provides a brief description of 25 tools (including some familiar ones, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) but with very little analysis or commentary on each. Committing to any new social networking tool is time consuming. So, I figured it might be helpful to test each out and share my views on which are useful and which... quite simply... suck (i.e. are ugly, awkward and generally suck time from your day with very little return).
How we used social media to grow the Cool Company Awards
While most published articles about social media as a tool for business development rarely offer more than anecdotal advice, we thought it might be interesting to actually 'crunch the numbers'. As strong believers in the power of experimentation and quantifiable results, we used the exercise to measure and compare the impact of each tool on our web traffic and award nominations. Here's what happened:
Calling all Anthillians. We need your help!
This month, Anthill Online is being added to the Nielsen Online ratings system. In short, we're putting ourselves out there, dropping our digital knickers for all the marketing world to see. And we need your help.
It’s social not commercial networking, for f— sake!
Just being a facilitator won’t satisfy or even make sense to many corporate marketers. I’m not suggesting that you put your head in the sand, but recognise social networks for what they are, and what they are not.
It’s all about you – Making the most of socialising online
I was reading 'designing for the social web' by Joshua Porter for my UXbookclub Sydney meeting a couple of months ago. It opens with a quote...