Tag: kpi
Every entrepreneur should focus on these seven things in 2014
I believe that we are going through a massive transition as a civilization.
In fact, I dare say it’s not too dissimilar to what the...
Life is a lot like Monopoly. You know why? At the end of the...
The most powerful move in Monopoly isn’t mentioned in the rulebook.
It’s the moment when you realise it’s all just a game. The money's made...
Want to turn your secret skills into a brand? [LIVE EVENT]
Do you want to turn your existing skills, talents and experience into a profitable business? This event will show you how. Learn the Five Step Sequence to becoming a Key Person of Influence and become a highly valued (and did we mention HIGHLY PAID) person in your industry.
WEBINAR: How to turn your knowledge into products… and build a global empire in...
This webinar is all about how to unlock your valuable industry knowledge and turn it into a product. It's about how to increase the value of your business and take control of its future.
Want to turn your secret skills into a brand?
Do you want to turn your existing skills, talents and experience into a profitable business?
This event will show you how.
You will learn...
Is your role functional or is it vital? Chances are, you’re kidding yourself.
As you can imagine, I get sent books all the time. It's one of the perks of being 'Mr Anthill'. Despite being a prolific reader, only a few ever capture my attention. And an even smaller number capture my imagination. Several weeks ago, I was sent the Australian edition of 'Become a Key Person of Influence' by Daniel Priestly. I read it in an afternoon. And, several weeks on, my imagination is still buzzing.
The Rise of the Social Economy, Part 3: How to begin a social media...
Many companies have been adopting an approach to social media based on an assumption that it is ‘free’. They have set up accounts and hoped it will work. It won’t. Hope is not a strategy, and social media takes time to get right – so it can’t be free. So let’s walk through the basic steps.