Tag: iPhone 5
Aussie brand is helping the iPhone 5 go topless, fully exposed, and eager for...
All that, and it's ready to get wet, too.
Dog & Bone’s rugged Wetsuit iPhone 5 case is the first waterproof mobile phone case world-wide...
Oops, do not disturb me, I’m about to beat the Williams sisters at table...
If you are the owner of an iPhone 5 then you may be aware of a nifty little feature called Do Not Disturb. On January 1 it went a little crazy and won't switch itself off like it was supposed to. On the same day, in what can only be described as unfortunate timing, Apple began to promote the feature using the Williams sisters as its stars.
What if Apple Maps were used in the Hunger Games? [VIDEO]
The challenges presented by Apple Maps on the iPhone 5 has brought some damn fine parody to light. Consider this. What if Apple Maps had been used in the Hunger Games?
But you don’t need a new phone [VIDEO]
This ad from Virgin Mobile America sums up my feelings about the iPhone 5. I don't technically need a new phone, my iPhone 4 is still perfectly functional and does everything I need, and then some. But ...
Listen up, it’s the Apple of your ear. How Apple redesigned in-ear headphones [VIDEO]
The much vaunted iPhone 5 has arrived, and as expected, sold out within hours. In all of the hoopla of the iPhone 5 launch, one little accessory didn't get much attention. The iPhone and new iPods come with an entirely new in-ear headphones, or earpods. And, they are a design feat in themselves.
Don’t ask why, but you know you’re gonna get an iPhone 5: Steve Job’s...
Hologram sure are a lot cooler since Arnold J. Rimmer marched around the decks of Red Dwarf. Steve Jobs is back, in a rapping parody to launch the hotness of the new iPhone 5.
iPhone 5 new features leaked: your food has never looked so good! [VIDEO]
Adam Sacks is a guy who makes videos to amuse himself and hopefully everyone else too. His latest video, about the upcoming iPhone 5,...