Tag: IGA
Sydney startup Tiliter announces partnership, introducing AI technology to thousands of supermarkets across Australia
Award winning Australian AI technology start-up Tiliter have recently announced their partnership with GaP Solutions which will see their fresh...
Why do women prefer this one condom brand? (It’s not what you think!)
HERO Condoms, which donates a condom to Botswana for every one sold in Australia and New Zealand, was named the top choice of Australian women in a survey
From Dragons’ Den to a viral sensation: this guy is making a killing selling...
Entrepreneur Peter Byrne brought the popular invention Trolley Bags to Australia, it is now reaching more people through Facebook videos than McDonalds.
This heroic Australian start-up has pledged to donate two million condoms a year to...
HERO, a socially responsible Aussie start-up helping to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, has returned from a two-week mission trip in Botswana...
This start-up taking on Ansell and Durex is donating 500,000 condoms to Botswana thanks...
Australian start-up HERO CONDOMS is taking a bite out of the billion dollar condom market - holding its own against global giants Ansell and Durex - with its new deal with Woolworths.
ACCC’s decision against Metcash-Franklins deal ‘defies logic’, says IGA Chairman Mick Daly
Leon and Garry talk to the IGA National Board Chairman, Mick Daly, about the grocery industry and the Australian retail environment. In particular, he has much to say on the success of Metcash, IGA’s principal wholesaler, against competitors Woolworths and Coles, and the looming showdown with the ACCC over Metcash’s plans to acquire the Franklins supermarket chain.